YE-HAW! Grab YOUR ticket to the IT’S TIME CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE in Nashville SEPT 22-25…Cuz your GROWTH starts NOW
If you’ve given in too many times to the obligations, expectations & distractions all around you and keep saying you’ll do better next year, next month, next week, tomorrow…
then you’re gonna to LOVE the REDEEM Her Time™ Podcast!
Get ready for some life & schedule decluttering so you can create the space you desire to be with the Lord consistently, nurture your family well, and pour into your work & passions…and finally prioritize yourself inside and out.
I’m a once too-busy wife, mom & leader who decided to push pause & get quiet with the Lord to ask where He wanted me to invest my time and attention.
Now I’ve created space in my schedule for spending quiet time with God, enjoying date night with my hubby, pouring into other women, serving at my church- and taking care of me…finally!
The 3-step REDEEM Her Time™ Plan has become a regular rhythm to realign my time when I get pulled away from what He has called me to do in this season- and it will be for you too!
This podcast is a resource to not only improve your time management and grow in your faith, relationships, work, wellness and joy– it’s also a welcome place to laugh, learn, & connect with someone who gets you….cuz I was you.
Grab your earbuds (and your journal) and I’ll meet you on the next episode of the REDEEM Her Time™ Podcast.
How have you been impacted by the Redeem Her Time™ Podcast?
Please leave a review of the podcast- It takes just a min but it means the world to me & helps other busy Christian women find real-life answers too!
P.S. Got a question? Leave a voice message… and YOU may be featured on the show.
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