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Let's get to the HEART of your BUSYNESS...

Quit Your

Put off Your Procrastinating

Say No to Your

Ditch Your

Look carefully then how you live, not as unwise but as wise,
REDEEMING the TIME because these are difficult days.

Ephesians 5:15-16

A well-ordered Life flows from a well-ordered Heart.

Ready to...

REDEEM Your Time
for what matters
in Midife + Biz?

I see YOU- constantly running from one thing to the next cuz there’s never enough time to get it all done…

  • Skipping quiet time again to jump into your day
  • Adding to a never-ending to-do list of responsibilities
  • Struggling to stay on task cuz you’re easily distracted
  • Saying yes to too much, but feeling guilty if you don’t
  • Thinking of all the “should-do’s” and only half-present

You’re NOT called to live SCATTERED.
In this 12 month faith-centered experience you’ll learn to…

  • Identify where to focus your attention in this season
  • Create balance in your life + biz to make the best use of time
  • Know what’s important to do when you sit down to work
  • Spot distractions a mile away…and learn to say NO
  • Follow through on what you say matters consistently

Imagine If...


You had work-life balance without stress…and a plan to flourish in your business.


You had a customized schedule to make time for what matters …and stay focused. 


You had regular routines to tackle your tasks…and finally ditch your to-do list!


You had a way to eliminate distractions …and consistently follow through.

The Answer Is Here

The Simple Framework to

REDEEM Your Time

Hover over each Step to Learn More


Rethink your Time Perspective
Envision your WITH-God Life
Set your Intentions
Identify your Priorities
Map out your Plans

STEP 2: REDEEM Your Time

Audit your Time & Tasks
Simplify Your Calendar & Task List
Plan your Ideal Weekly Time Blocks
Build your Foundation Habits
Create your Recurring Routine Flows


Envision your WITH-God Biz
Audit your Biz Time & Tasks
Plan your Biz Time Blocks & Workflows
Map out your 12 -Week Biz Goals
Execute your 12-Week Biz Plan

STEP 4: REFOCUS Your Growth

Identify Your Internal & External Distractions
Create your Distraction-Proof Plan
Implement Internal & External Growth Tools
Invite Accountability & Community
Build your WITH-God Life Growth Habits

This program isn’t like other productivity programs because…

It was designed based on what God says about time.

The WORLD tells us that to find our value we need to juggle all-the-things, burn the candle at both ends, multitask to the max, wear BUSY like a badge of honor….

We live in a really demanding & distracting world and there’s always something that “needs” your attention…but that’s NOT the life HE intends for you.

GOD says that He is enough so you can say NO, fill up before you pour out, focus on what matters in the moment, be fully present and find your worth in slowing down.

It gives solutions for this season of life in light of eternity.

The steps to do life + biz in midlife with intention are inside this Framework.  First we build a WITH-God foundation…and then create space in your calendar to live it out now.

Most productivity programs fail to teach how to invest your time to build what will last longer than you. Not here- we’re about building His Kingdom for eternity.

Instead of doing more that leads to BUSYNESS, this program is about FRUITFULNESS- giving your best time & attention where God has called you to produce a harvest.

It Hasn't Just Worked for Me

The REDEEM Midlife CEO may be what YOU'VE been praying for too…

I Created

The REDEEMED Midlife CEO...

So YOU can access the exact framework I use to balance my relationships, my wellness, my business, my finances, my passions & my home…

All with FAITH at the CENTER.

With the REDEEMED CEO framework, everything you do in life + biz will become purposeful WITH-God. You’ll be PRESENT where He’s called you… instead of just trying to keep up with it all!





coffe + computer back-min

Work- Life Balance

Know what areas need attention to maintain balance

calendar overhead-min

Time Management

Simplify where your time goes to say YES to what matters most

desk computer focused-min (1)

Business Productivity

Focus on the tasks that will produce results in less time

couch bible overhead-min

Personal Growth

Prioritize filling you up first to guide your thoughts & actions

Ready To Do This?


SayYes to this!


Online Learning Modules



Digital Course based on Biblical Truth + Time Management Tools to be a Wise Steward of your Time



Step-by-step System + Templates to set up Business Task Workflows and plan Business Focus Projects

Live Life + Biz Coaching

Daily Inner Circle Accountability

Weekly Live Group Coaching & Book Study

Monthly Preview & Planning Call

Quarterly Goal-Setting Mentoring

Midlife CEO Bonuses

Valued at Over $9997

Live Coaching for CEOs!

Weekly Live Group Coaching

Access weekly live group coaching calls to deepen your understanding, implement in your life + biz, and learn with others.

Biz Goals Planning
& Mentoring

Join monthly mentoring calls to review your annual plan, clarify your 12-week focus and map out a weekly & monthly success plan.

Inner Circle Accountability

Connect with other Christian women CEOs who are seeking to balance a WITH-God life + biz and meet their WITH-God goals.

Check Out These Bonuses!

Biblical Belief
Mindset Prompts

Fill your Mind with Truth first.

Wish you could hear God speak to you? Quiet your heart to hear His voice speak truth over you and your business before you listen to what the gurus, experts and world have to say.  

        • Weekly Scripture to Focus on Him first in your Life + Biz
        • 52 Biblical Affirmations to Meditate on His Truth
        • Journaling prompts to apply Truth to your Life + Biz
        • STEER Belief Map Process to reframe your thoughts

Midlife Personal Growth Book Study

Gain insight from Faith-Centered Books

Want a deeper journey WITH-God in midlife? Dive into the 8 key areas through faith-centered books to craft your own Rule of Life. Guide where you’re growing WITH-God by intentionally investing your time in this season. 

      • Quarterly Christian Book Reading Selections
      • Guided Journaling Reading Guides
      • Monthly Group Book Study Discussions
      • WITH-God Growth Habits & Integration Plan

JUMPSTART Your WITH-God Biz Vision

Dream with God to Grow your Impact

Where is God leading you to grow your business?  Take time WITH-God to create a long-term growth vision to ultimately build His Kingdom, then break it down into actionable steps.

        • Guided WITH-God Biz Vision prompts to start dreaming
        • Template to clarify who you serve & how you help them
        • 5 year planner to lay out your goals for future growth
        • 1 year planner to lay out your 12-week focus projects

Weekly Co-Working & Accountability Sessions

Start your week with intention & planning

Want to start your week with a clear plan? Come together with other like-minded CEOs to plan for your week and be accountable for taking action with plenty of grace.

        • Faith-led Time blocking template to lay out work blocks
        • Weekly coworking sessions to plan your work priorities
        • Accountability check-in for your weekly implementation
        • Encouragement & support from other entrepreneurs

You DON'T have to put YOURSELF on the back burner to fit it all in.

I was that girl who felt burdened by a TO-DO list in my life + biz that never ended…juggling ALL-the-THINGS I thought I SHOULD DO- nurturing my marriage & family, being a good friend, running a business, getting enough nutrition & exercise, developing my passions & skills, keeping up with my home…

But I was dropping balls left-and-right. I was trying to do it in my own strength and often put myself on the back burner… and wondered what needed to give.

Then God led me to create WORK-LIFE BALANCE + MANAGE my TIME His way… with faith as the foundation, EVERYTHING CHANGED.

I discovered I have ALL the TIME I need for what He’s called me to…and so do YOU.  I can’t wait to show you how to REDEEM Your Time too.

xo, Lissa

Don't Just Take It From Me

Listen to what these amazing Christian Women have to say

Inside the
REDEEMED Midlife CEO you'll...

Have a clear vision of where He’s leading in each area with specific Kingdom-focused intentions & goals.

Know where to prioritize your focus in this season with an actionable plan to experience growth & see fruit.

Plan an intentional week with timeblocks that remove multitasking and focuses your best time & attention.

Recognize distractions and eliminate the expectations that impact your attention and rob you of focus.

Stop living by a should-do list so you can be fully present with who + what matters in the moment.

Let’s be real

Do you REALLY have time for this?

Your plate is FULL and you can’t even find time to keep up with emails
or put away laundry…
let alone watch course modules!

So why in the world would you INVEST time + money
and ADD something else to your list?

Because after this 12 MONTH JOURNEY together you’ll be…

Less Overwhelmed
Less Exhausted
Less Distracted
More Balanced
More Intentional
And way More Present!

To that I say...

Let's Do This!

THIS is the Time + Task Management Framework you need to:

This IS for you if:

It’s probably NOT for you if:

Hey There!

I’m Lissa, Busyness Buster & Recovering Should-Do Girl.

It’s time for YOU to finally have time for quiet time with the Lord, date night with your guy, coffee with your friends, fulfillment with your work, investment with your stewardship, consistency with your wellness, joy with your passions…and get the meal prep, cleaning, errands & laundry done with time left over for you!

You’re about to experience what life feels like without overwhelm & distraction.  

Come join us inside the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Framework and watch your life + biz be transformed from the inside out over the next 12 months!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much time does this program require each week?

This program is designed for Busy women entrepreneurs so with 1-2 hours a week on your own plus live coaching and coworking calls to implement, you will gain all the benefits…and get your time back. You will be provided a suggested timeline to follow.

Q: Do you give a refund?

This program has a proven success rate for those who follow the framework. As such, we do not offer refunds, but will offer a 1:1 Coaching Call to uncover what’s getting in the way of your success.

Q: Can I cancel my payments any time?

No, this is not a membership site. This is a 12 month access program with an affordable payment plan option to make it doable for you.

Q: I’m not aN ENTREPRENEUR will this still help me?

YES!  This program can be used by any midlife woman who either has a God-given business or a mission…it’s about knowing where He’s called you & stepping out in faith to make it happen!

Q: Will this work for me?

Even if you have tried it all before (the planners, apps, programs) this will work for you if you show up and follow the steps and accountability plan, just like it has for so many other busy Christian women building businesses.

Q: When are the group COWORKING & coaching calls?

Group Co-working Calls are offered Monday mornings to set up your week and Group Coaching Calls are offered on Thursdays to discuss what you’re learning + applying. Times vary depending on the season.

Q: This seems pricey, is this program really worth the investment?

This customizable faith-led framework  + all the coaching are worth twice what you’re paying…bet you spend money on things that don’t matter all the time!  Plus this will not only help you eliminate what’s costing you time & money in your life and biz, but also invest your resources in what matters for eternity.  

Q: How long do I have access to the program?

As a REDEEMED Midlife CEO, you get 12 months access to the modules + coaching resources…and upon completion you may apply to join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Mastermind.

STILL On The Fence?

If you’re here, you’ve read every word on this page
so I know how much you want to wake up tomorrow and stop spinning your wheels.

This customizable framework with plenty of support is waiting for you so you can experience Peace, Purpose & Presence
in your life and business.

If you still have questions or just aren’t sure, let me help you decide if this is your next best step.

Just promise me you’ll NOT stay the same-

I pray I see you inside.

XO, Lissa

Join Us in

Help Women in Central Asia Fill Up

In a culture where serving TEA to your guests is HOSPITABLE,
a woman WOUDN’T think of NOT filling her POT first…
otherwise she WOULDN’T be able to POUR OUT.

BUT sadly, these women POUR OUT all day long from an

Join us in helping provide resources for women in CENTRAL ASIA to FILL their HEARTS with God’s Truth + learn SKILLS to grow sustainable BUSINESSES to provide for their families.

REDEEM Her Time donates 10% of all income to this mission.