Hey soon-to-be friend, I'm Lissa!
(That's Melissa without the ME...cuz it's NOT about me!)
Fellow Midlifer, Recovering “Should-Do” Girl
& Christian Time Management Coach
I believe you already have an ABUNDANCE of TIME
for what HE has called you to (even in MIDLIFE + BIZ)…
“And God is able to bless you ABUNDANTLY, so that in ALL things at ALL times,
having ALL you need, you will ABOUND in every good work.”
2 Cor 9:8
You just need someone to show you how to REDEEM your TIME!
Lucky for you...I've been TEACHING, LEADING & COACHING Christian Women for over 25 years!
Picture this...
Almost 40 year-old Lissa, waking up, looking at her reflection in the mirror, saying,
Where did time go? How did I get here? Where am I going?
I decided to let go of BUSYNESS trying to do ALL-the-THINGS. Besides, I never felt like there was enough TIME (or of me) to fit it all in… and take care of ME too!
Fast forward through…
- 28 + yrs of Marriage & Launching 3 Great Kids
- Leading & Teaching in Women’s Ministries
- Growing 2 Online Businesses & Leading Teams
- Plus years of life experience wasting time, controlled by my should-do list…then GOD CHANGING ALL THAT.
And it dawned on me…
God equipped me to help women with their TIME!
My gift for intention + creating order are from HIM…
Lots of transformed lives and a very fulfilled Lissa later, I think it’s safe to say…
This is what I was meant to do!
But more than anything
I want you to know…
You were made by God for a Purpose- to know Him & walk WITH Him in every area of your Life + Biz.
God reaches out to you with a DIVINE INVITATION …and makes space for your ACTIVE PARTICIPATION.
He is inviting you to the WITH-God Life.
Will you say "Yes"?
What's it like to Work with Me?

I pray that after being TOGETHER...
You are BLESSED, CHALLENGED & MOVED to action.
You will SLOW DOWN and quiet the noise to hear HIS voice.
You will REDEEM your TIME and make the best use of it.
You will INVEST YOURSELF where HE’s called you right now.
You will FIND TRUTH & TOOLS to do life + biz WITH-God.
Get to Know Me
Here's what Matters to ME in this Season…

Bible + Coffee + Prayer to Guide the Day

Hubby + 3 Kids + Spouses (+ Grandkids)

Friends + Church + the RHT Community
Ps 90:10 Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.
The Figgy Farm in Southern IL (cuz it’s midway for all our kids)
Coffee Ice Cream (with actual coffee beans)
‘More’ by Tyrone Wells
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
I'm ALL about...
- God's Truth
- Good Books
- Long Walks
- Travel Ventures
- Intention & Action
I'm NOT about...
- Going with the crowd
- Shallow conversation
- Checking boxes
- Mindless Scrolling
- Excuses & Distractions
Think YOU + ME would be a good fit?
Let’s chat about how to FIND the TIME for what you say matters.
Zero obligation questionnaire and chat.
(No worries, I’m upfront about if I think I can help you.)
As a big THANK YOU for hanging out for a bit… Here’s a GIFT for YOU!
Putting yourself on the BACK BURNER day after day… waiting to FIND the TIME to take care of you?
You CAN’T pour from an EMPTY cup. Here’s permission + direction to block off time to REFILL your body, mind & spirit …FIRST.