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Don’t Live off Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What Matters

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Hey Good-Intentions Girl-

If you wanna see true change, you gotta have a plan.  

Have you heard the illustration Jesus gives in Luke 11 about the unclean spirit that left a house, but came back and brought 7 of his kind with him to dwell there?  The state of the house was worse than the first.  

The problem is, if you just clean up your phone-time on the outside, it will only fill back up with what you didn’t want. 

That’s because the problem is not your phone, it’s your heart. 

Once you realize God is the only one who can transform your heart, you’re ready to create a plan to change your phone-time habits…with Him. 

Today I’m sharing the 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize what Matters Most. 


Cuz…those good intentions will only get you so far. 

So go get something to sip & something to write with, open up your heart & calendar and let’s dive in.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to join the free REDEEM Her Time Community + all the resources mentioned + a free 15 min Strategy Session here

P.P.S. Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple podcasts

Binge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge Series

Ep 105  No Time?  The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management

Ep 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital Distraction

Ep 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries 

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