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Celebrating 100 with a Big Surprise + 5 Steps to truly be Faith-led

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Hey Faith-led girl…

We’ve got something BIG to celebrate today on the podcast…and I’m giving away something BIG to celebrate!  Be sure to get in on the party in this episode

I won’t ruin the surprise for ya, but I will give you a sneak peek….

Do you ever find yourself SAYING you are faith-led, yet when you get up off the couch from your quiet time, you head off into the demands of your day pretty much on your own?  That was me for so long too.

We’ve all got great intentions about letting God lead, but too often we put ourselves in the driver’s seat.  If you’ve ever done that or don’t want to do that any more, listen in…

Today I’m sharing the 5 Steps God showed me to truly be faith-led. 

You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice. So grab your journal or your notes app and let’s get started…

I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)-


P.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here

P.P.S. Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show

Binge the WITH-God Series

Ep 94 Create Your WITH-God Vision

Ep 96 Create Your WITH-God Goals

Ep 98 Create Your WITH-God Priorities

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