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Home » Captivate Podcasts » Up for a PRIORITIES CHALLENGE to gain Clarity on what matters most ?

Up for a PRIORITIES CHALLENGE to gain Clarity on what matters most ?

Let’s get clarity about where you are in 7 key areas of your life, identify where you are out of balance and put your focus on what matters most. Today I’m inviting you in to listen to DAY 1 of my 3-day PRIORITIES CHALLENGE…

Wanna finish DAY 1 and move on to DAY 2 about INTENTIONALITY that changes everything + DAY 3 for ACCOUNTABILITY that gets lasting results? Take the 3 day challenge at your own pace with this link

Grab your free LIFE PRIORITIES AUDIT to assess where you are in the 7 key areas of life and align your actions today with where you want to be in the future

And come join the conversations after the episode in our new FB group Women REPURPOSED After 40 where you can hang out with me, our fantastic podcast guests and amazing women like you wanting to live REPURPOSED too.


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Wanna talk? Schedule your free PRIORITIES AUDIT CALL this week

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