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Permission to Focus on ME First. Why Self-care is not Selfish.

As women, we wear always serving others as a badge of honor and willingly sacrifice ourselves as a martyr…So it may seem counterintuitive to Focus on ME (ie You) first when you’ve been told to always put others first. Maybe you’ve not understood correctly… 

Because what happens when you always put others first and don’t take care of yourself?  You don’t have as much to give.  You can’t pour from an empty cup my friend.

Tune in to Episode 85 for Permission to put ME first (not that you needed it, but it may convince you it’s really ok)

Don’t forget to grab your SIMPLIFIED FOCUS™ Roadmap with 4 Steps to Clarify your 1 THING to simplify your focus in this season of life

And I always love hearing from you, so I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at

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