If you’ve ever thought “Just give yourself GRACE”…and then keep trying harder to earn your value by DOING (aka GRIT), this episode is for you….
Maybe we have it backwards-
it’s not GRIT to get GRACE, it’s GRACE over GRIT.
Today I’m sharing what the Bible says about GRACE + GRIT…and how this renewed perspective changes how you use your time.
You’re gonna want to take notes…and put them into practice.
So grab something to write with, open up your heart and calendar…
And let’s get started…
I pray this blesses, challenges… and moves you to action!
L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)
P.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to all the resources + an opportunity for a free 15 min Strategy Session here https://redeemhertime.com/104
P.P.S. Get your name in a drawing for $100 off the REDEEM Her Time Program when you leave a review of the show on Apple Podcasts