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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 10 Tips to Simplify Your Stuff…and try Living with Less

10 Tips to Simplify Your Stuff…and try Living with Less

How amazing would it feel to to have less in your life? Guaranteed you’ll be breathing in the spaciousness.  After laying the foundation of WHY you want to simplify, it’s time to get to work removing things… for good. T

his week’s episode is short, sweet and simple- 10 Tips to Help you Simplify Your Stuff.  Grab some paper, or open your notes app and jot down these nuggets to help you let go and a fun way to learn what you can (and can’t) live without.

  1. Define your why
  2. Start with the obvious
  3. Sort into 3 bags
  4. Touch every item
  5. Eliminate duplicates and what-ifs
  6. Give new life to the no-longer-loved
  7. Create self-imposed boundaries
  8. Make a rule to put it away right away
  9. Keep only your faves & put them in Sight
  10. Experiment with living with less

Join the SIMPLIFY YOUR STUFF SUMMER CHALLENGE to put attention and intention on clearing the clutter so you can get out and live more.

Download your SIMPLIFIED AM PLAN to start your day focused on what matters most so you can DO LESS + LIVE MORE every day.

And as always, I invite you to connect with me @lissafiggins on any social platform or by email at

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