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Episode 101- Timely Tip: 2 Ways to Make New Habits Easy…so you can’t NOT do it!

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Hey friend- It’s nearing the end of January, so if you’re still with me, I just wanna give you a slow clap…why? Cuz most people fell off the wagon with their new habits by the third week in January- you know those great intentions they had when the ball dropped and this was gonna be their year to finally stick with it?  So can I celebrate you for showing up for you?  

You’re not most people.  That’s why we get along so well. 

Speaking of celebrating, did you see we just celebrated 100 episodes on the REDEEM Her Time ™ Podcast?  Yep.  God is so faithful.  In fact, on Episode 100, I took us on a trip down memory lane of where this journey has taken us from once a week FB live interviews to twice a week value-packed podcast episodes. And in that episode I also gave you a gift, 5 Steps to truly be Faith-led.  I know, cuz I wasn’t doing them at one point either, and I needed God to show me the way.  And let me tell ya, it’s made all the difference.  

Speaking of gifts, did you hear the surprise?  

I have a BIG gift for you to help up celebrate 100- when you leave a review of the show on your fav podcast platform (Did I mention that helps us get found by more Christian women wanting to be more present?), you get your name in the drawing to save $100 off the new REDEEM Her Time Program coming soon.  So push pause, share why you love listening, and then come back to me so we can talk about those new habits….

So about those new habits…

Let me say if you are one of the 76% who lost their way by the middle of the first month- there’s no judgment here.  We’re about progression, not perfection so just pick that new habit back up, dust it off and let’s put it into practice together…you up for that?  Good, me too. 

Here’s the thing, for most people, the newness of the new year has worn off already. Like with most new things- whether it’s a new book, a new appliance, a new pair of shoes…we all start off excited, ready to take on the world, but often make the mistake of picking it up less over time and it loses its luster. That’s why it’s so important to create new habits the right way- and that’s why we’ve been starting the year with the New Habits Timely Tips series

How bout a quick recap?

First, instead of trying to take on too many new habits, just focus on your 1 thing. Besides, trying to do too much will only lead to overwhelm and exhaustion…and giving up on all of them. Go back and listen to Episode 95 if you need permission to just focus on 1…and let the rest go.

Next, instead of “forgetting” about your new habit, make it obvious. Not by putting it in the middle of the floor where you’ll trip over it (although I will say, that technique has proved effective for me).  What we talked about on Episode 97 is how to make it obvious with implementation intentions and habit stacking. You’ll wanna listen to how to do those for sure!

And then, instead of putting off what you need to do for what you want to do in the moment, make your new habit attractive.  No, the broccoli will never look better than the chocolate, but when you change up your words and the order, you’ll actually want to make that choice.  Go listen again to Episode 99 for a refresher.  

So now here we are with today’s Timely Tip…

2 ways to make it easy, so you can’t NOT do it.  

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the iconic EASY button, right?  We tend to want to do the minimum amount of work for maximum output, right?  I’m not here to say that managing your time and protecting your priorities is easy- it does take intention and attention, especially with all the distractions and demands in the world around us (and even in ourselves) but I am here to say it doesn’t have to be hard, especially when you’re getting started with something new. 

If I’m totally transparent with you, in the past I  had a tendency to overcomplicate things- in theory it made perfect sense, but in practice it could get so complex that I didn’t stick with it.  Take for example, my attempt at working out regularly when I was homeschooling my 3 kids and managing life on my own.  I figured the best plan included cardio, strength and stretching every day, so I attempted to set aside 45 min a day to exercise, but it was too much.  Most days I couldn’t get to all of it- or any of it for that matter and with a go-big or go-home (aka all or nothing) mentality, that habit did not last long. 

Wow, I wish I had these 2 tips I’m sharing with you today.  Speaking of which, you ready to take notes?  Good, let’s keep it simple….aka make it easy.

2 Ways to Make New Habits Easy

  1. Use the 2 MINUTE RULE. If we go back to my example of my goal to work out 45 minutes a day, especially on top of homeschooling, managing a home, and serving my community….all while being a “single parent” while my husband was deployed. No wonder I couldn’t find a way to fit it in. 

But you know what, I could do 2 min.  

In fact, with a goal to start with just 2 min, I never would have had an excuse.  Anyone can find 2 min in their day, no matter how busy you are- especially if it’s important to you.  I’m guessing you spend more than 2 min on your phone, so you DO have the time.  (More on that to come.)  

The 2 Min Rule says, do your new habit for just 2 min… and then you can stop.  

Yes.  That’s what I said.  You can stop after 2 minutes.  What???  What’s the benefit of 2 min you ask?  Well, think about it- you have no excuse that you don’t have 2 min, right? And 2 min is better than 0 min and it adds up…and even more important- every time you show up for your new habit for 2 min, you are building your self-discipline muscle and confidence in yourself that you do what you say you are going to.  And then guess what happens…you keep showing up. 

Over time your 2 min adds up to 4 min, then 6 min, then 8 min, then 10 min… And since you’re already there, your 2 min turns into 3 min each time, then 4, then 5, then 8, then 10, then 20 min at a time…and before you know it, you’re not only feeling the changes on the inside, you’re seeing the results on the outside.  Why?  

Cuz you didn’t throw in the towel when you couldn’t go all in like you wanted. You built a consistent habit. 

Now, you could go hard and do all 45 min from Day 1, but most people can’t and won’t sustain that so they don’t experience life-changing growth. I’m giving you permission to just do 2 min.  And a rule is a rule, right?  You gotta do it. And you CAN do it.

Speaking of which, can I give a huge shout-out to my good friend Leith?  I just messaged her to have the most up to date intel…get this, she committed to taking the 2 min rule and upping her game to walking 6 min a day.  And at the time of this recording, she is at 1013 Yes, you heard me right.  She has not missed a day in over 2 years- that includes winter in Colorado, a trip to Europe and even Covid.  No matter what, she committed to walking just 6 min a day.  Sometimes that turns into more.  But sometimes it’s just 6 min. That’s like walking down my long driveway to the mailbox and back.  Totally doable. And she says she’s never felt better. You go girl!  What a great example of the 2 min rule concept.

Which leads us to the second rule…

  1. Use the 2 DAYS RULE. We can all have great intentions, even if it’s just to do our new habit for 2 min, but sometimes life happens. It may be unexpected news that derails you, a needy child or hubby that demands you, a great Netflix series that distracts you…whatever it is, there are things that “happen” in life that may keep you from doing what it was you said you were gonna do. No shame, no story. It’s ok.  

First do a quick self-check…

Did you truly decide your habit is a priority?  If not, go back and confirm how it leads to your WITH-God vision in that area and why it matters.  Next, did you give it a place to live on your calendar?  If it’s not scheduled, it’s likely to not happen.  Right now, go look at your day or week and decide when and where you will set aside time for it. Remember, you can always find at least 2 min.  If you didn’t pass that 2 question test, that should fix the problem because it always starts with personal responsibility.  And if you did pass the self-check, then perhaps it truly was out of your control. 

Either way, if you missed a day you’ll need the 2 DAYS RULE. It’s simple- don’t let it be 2 DAYS in a row (or 2 times in a row if you are doing this habit more or less often than once a day).  

Don’t beat yourself up, feel bad or do the shoulda-coulda-woulda game.  It is what it is and you get to decide if that’s the outcome next time.  

The 2 days rule is essential in making your new habit easy (or even one you’ve established but missed a time or two) cuz easy habits work the opposite way too. Once it’s been 2 days of NOT doing it, that easily turns into 3, then 4, then 5, then 6 days…and soon your habit is long forgotten. In that case it will take way more work to get it back rolling again, right?  

An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest…you guessed it- tends to stay at rest.  So keep it in motion. 

Missing one day won’t lose too much momentum…that’s why you don’t want it to be two days…or more.  I promise, this simple rule will make it so much easier to get back on that horse…and you’ll be so glad you did cuz soon you won’t be able to remember life without it.

So there you have it – 2 ways to make your new habit (or any habit) easy… the 2 MIN RULE and the 2 DAY RULE

Easy- peasy?  

What 1 habit are you wanting to establish?  

Identify it. Make it obvious. Make it attractive… and go follow the rules to make it easy.  

Want to get in on the 31-Day 1 HABIT CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time Community?  Come join us at

Thanks for joining me for this Timely Tip episode. Feel free to go back and binge the New Habit Series and until next time, remember…

You DO have ALL the time you need to do ALL He has called you to.

Focus on who + what matters most to Redeem your Time…

Cuz you are here for Such a Time as This.  

Binge the New Habit Timely Tip Series

Ep 95 Focus on Just 1 Thing

Ep 97 2 Ways to Make New Habits Obvious

Ep 99 2 Ways to Make Your New Habit Attractive

Grab your free guide to REDEEM Your Time in 5 Min

Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session

Join the REDEEM Her Time Community to be part of the 31-Day 1 THING Habit Challenge…and get your first 3 days free!

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