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Download these 5 Apps to Love Others More and Make Better Use of Your Phone-Time

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Well hello friend- so glad you’re picking up your phone today to listen to this episode…at this point, we’re already over halfway through the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge (can I just pause and give a shout out to those of you who have been making changes…and an invitation to the rest of you to come join us cuz as long as we have smart phones, this challenge technically never ends) Anyway, we’ve talked a lot over the past few weeks about how we DON’T use our phones well- you know, when we’re using it to build our own kingdoms (which are like shifting sand) or when we use it to build someone else’s kingdom that doesn’t have a firm foundation either like influencers or social media platforms or tech giants.  

But all is not lost, you CAN use your phone well to build His Kingdom (the one that will last) and to fulfill the 2 most important commandments.

Interestingly, as part of my chronological Bible reading plan, I was reading the Shema in Deuteronomy 6 just this morning-are you familiar with it? It was a daily prayer for the Israelites in the Old Testament and is still recited by Jewish people today…here it is…

Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. And as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

If you didn’t listen to Episode 115 yet, promise me you’ll go there after you finish this one. It’s titled Download These 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of your Time.  On it, I shared my current 5 fav apps I use regularly to honor this command to love God (and His Word) more and more.  And I’d love to hear…have you downloaded them too?  Got any others you want to add to the must-use list?  If so, go inside the REDEEM Her Time Community and drop them in the chat. Not a member yet and wondering what it’s all about?  

I promise this community is an app you DO want to have to Love God + Others more and more…

Why? Cuz it’s a community of Christian women who are wanting to let go of the busy culture we are surrounded by and instead truly follow Jesus’s way of life- to take His easy yoke to shoulder the things of this life and live different than the world around us- i.e. unhurried and deliberate. We’re about using our time to love God and others well in this season and in light of eternity.  And we do that through daily inspiration and content, podcast conversations, challenges and accountability, book clubs and power hours…and lots of grace for when we don’t get it right!  I’ll drop the link in the show notes so you can come find us cuz we’re intentionally NOT on social media where it’s over-busy and over-crowded and over-distracting.  

Back to the topic at hand…When Jesus was asked to identify the greatest commandment (by the Pharisees no less), He had no problem quoting the Shema- You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.” 

And then He followed it up with,And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” Mathew 22:34-40

It’s true- if you look at the 10 Commandments, which is the way of life God gave to his people Israel when He rescued them out of Egypt, they break into 2 clear categories- the first 4 are about our vertical relationships (aka loving God) and the other 6 are about our horizontal relationships (aka loving others).

It’s the second commandment we’re going to focus on today. Loving others more and more.

But before we dive into that, I wanna show you something you may not have noticed just before this passage in Deuteronomy 6 (or maybe you did notice, but need to be reminded- just like all of mankind starting with the second generation of Isrealites). 

The covenant God established with Israel closely mimics a suzerain vassal treaty (covenant), which was a common treaty form in the ancient Near East in that time.

In order to bind two parties together, such as a greater kingdom and a lesser one, or in this case Yahweh and the people of Israel, a covenant would be written to create a kinship that was as strong as the bonds of a family- similar to the marriage or adoption legal processes we have in our times. Just like in any family, loyalty was essential.  And since God was the greater party and Israel the lesser party, taking another Father would be considered treason.

Let me quote this part from Russ Meek, a professor, writer and editor trying to make sense of the Old Testament (we need more people like that, don’t you think?)…

“The covenant Yahweh established with Israel at Mount Sinai exhibits striking parallels with Hittite suzerain/vassal treaties, which had six basic features: 1) a preamble that identifies the greater party; 2) a historical prologue that recounts the previous relationship between the parties; 3) covenant stipulations to which the vassal must agree; 4) provisions for periodic reading and safekeeping of the covenant ; 5) witnesses to the covenant; and 6) blessings and curses should the vassal either keep or fail to keep the covenant.”

This is exactly how Deutoronomy is laid out as a Covenant. 

But my favorite part about it all is that after identifying God as the one true and living God, and telling the story of His history with Israel as His people but before reminding them of the 10 Commandments given on Mount Sinai, Moses, God’s mouthpiece, says this in Deuteronomy 4:25-31…

“When you father children and children’s children, and have grown old in the land, if you act corruptly by making a carved image in the form of anything, and by doing what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, so as to provoke him to anger,  I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that you will soon utterly perish from the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess. You will not live long in it, but will be utterly destroyed. And the LORD will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the LORD will drive you. And there you will serve gods of wood and stone, the work of human hands, that neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.”

Wait…what?  What’s to love about punishment and exile, Lissa?  Hold on and let’s finish the passage, cuz here’s the good part…

“But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the LORD your God and obey his voice. For the LORD your God is a merciful God. He will not leave you or destroy you or forget the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them.”

Did you catch that? The covenant relationship had nothing to do with what the vassal (Israel) did or did not do to keep the treaty, but on who God (the Suzerian or greater one) is. 

He already knew that they would not fulfill their part of the covenant by keeping the 10 Commandments. But better yet, He already had a plan of redemption to bring them back to the Promised Land. That redemptive plan is a foreshadowing of Christ who is the only One who can redeem our sinful hearts that go astray from His Word over and over again too. That’s because it’s not dependent on us fulfilling the law with 100% accuracy.  It’s about what He did through His Son’s death on the cross to bring us back into relationship with Him.  

So whether it’s the first command, to love the LORD your God, or the second, to love your neighbor, I want to be clear that it’s not about doing it perfectly.  It’s about increasingly being transformed into the image of His Son as we undergo the sanctification process in this life between the time when God saved us and when Jesus comes back for us. 

Phew, that’s a sigh of relief cuz I know I have not always loved others like I should…and there have been plenty of times I have not used my phone as a way to love God and others well…or sadly times when I have actually used it to do the opposite to express anger or create strife.

Thinking back to Episode 110 about whose kingdom you’re building, only 2 things we have on this earth will last into eternity- God’s Word and His People. Of which I pray you are part of. If you’re not sure, I laid out the Gospel in that episode too, so go back and listen carefully.  

And because people matter, that’s why God has called us to love them well, right?  Now that we’ve laid the foundation of why it matters and how we are incapable of doing it perfectly,  I think we’re now ready to dive into how to use our phone to carry out this command…

Our modern-day culture has certainly changed the nature of our relationships over the years, hasn’t it? We went from directly talking with the people who live in our homes and those in our surrounding community to now being able to communicate with people around the world. 

Yet sadly, we can be in the same room with those we love and yet not actually connect with them….no thanks to phones in the hands of sinful people. 

So before we dive into these apps, I just wanna say, the BEST way to connect with others and love them well is in person, face to face (aka being in the same room and looking them in the eye, not showing them the top of your head)…. Being fully present. Sound familiar? It should cuz that’s one of our pillars around REDEEM Her Time- it’s the purpose for why we pay attention to our time in the first place.

But if for some reason you can’t reach out and physically touch someone, you can take advantage of that device in your hand that can connect you even from far away. 

So now you have no excuses to NOT love others well. 

Because that opportunity is literally in your hands every time you pick up your phone.  So how do we use our device to make the most of every opportunity to be a blessing and share the good news of the Gospel? I’m so glad you asked…

We need to be intentional….because we are so forgetful. 

I hate to admit it, but it’s easy to get wrapped up with the busyness of life and then neglect those we say matter most, both near and far.  And we’re not the only ones- the Isrealites had the same issue. That’s why God needed to keep reminding them to not forget.  

Speaking of reminders, I’m finding I need them more and more as time goes on- I’m not sure if that’s because I’m getting older or because the influx of information and the opportunities for distraction just keep growing (it’s most likely the latter)!  But either way, I’ve got reminders set on my phone for things I need to do in my day, week, month and year so that I don’t get swept up in the flow and forget. 

One of them is a reminder to reach out to my brother and his family. 

I know it shouldn’t be the case that too much time goes by without connecting, but over Thanksgiving as we enjoyed time precious time together in the same room for the first time in a while (side note: we live about 7 hours apart and both he and my hubby have odd schedules as first responders), it hit me that I was going weeks if not entire months between intentionally reaching out to him and his wife and my niece. 

It would have been easy for me to justify the unintentional silence by the fact that THEY had not reached out to ME…but I am only responsible for myself and my intentions, which is why I decided to set a weekly reminder to reach out and connect. And I’ve been doing that ever since…thanks to the reminder on my phone!

It was just a few weeks ago that I was thankful I have been intentionally building connections in our relationship… 

One afternoon, my sister-in-law messaged me to share that my brother had fallen off a ladder and was being life-lighted to the closest trauma hospital and that she did not know the extent of his injuries.  Later I learned that his back was broken, his ribs displaced, his liver lacerated, his lungs punctured and surrounded with blood and air (for us non-medically trained, that should not be there). After days with a breathing tube, heavy sedation and multiple surgeries, I got the message that he was now waking at times and able to use facial expressions and his hands to communicate.  And the doctors assured us there was no neurological damage and that everything that was broken was fixable….it will just be a long road of recovery and therapy.  Praise God!

Let me just say, that event has reinforced my desire even more to use my phone well to love others more and more- including you (and especially him and his family)…because life can change in an instant. 

So if you do nothing else with the apps I’m about to share, promise me that you will push pause, pick up your phone right now and dial a number or type out a message to say, “I love you” or to ask, “How are you really?”

You will never regret loving others well with your phonebut you may regret mindlessly scrolling on it. 

So here are my current 5 fav apps to help me use it well to love others as God has commanded me to…ready to download?  

  1. SIGNAL APP. For me this is a non-essential if I want to communicate with the important men in my life (aka my hubby and 2 sons). All of them are super cyber-security conscious and do not use social media or like using text. My guys did the research and this app is NOT owned by Facebook and is way more secure than any other messaging app…plus it works just like iMessage or Messenger and allows for pics, videos and live chats.  I actually enjoy having something separate for communication with those closest to me cuz that way messages don’t get buried. (My daughter and I still use text, but she gets one of those fun bubbles at the top with a pic of us that makes it stand out above all the rest.) 

Signal is also where we have our family group chats with our future in-laws so when a notification pops up there, I know it’s gonna be good cuz we’re always having fun!  And bonus- I can use this app no matter where we are in the world without a cell signal (guess what- we are literally on a flight back from Central Asia if you are listening to this in real time)

It doesn’t have to be SIGNAL for you with your family, but find a way to communicate that doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.  I do love my college girls’ chat in text, but I have reminders set to revive the thread if it goes radio silent…

Speaking of which, here’s the next one…

  1. PRAYERMATE APP.  I’m not gonna apologize for mentioning this app several times in the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Series cuz it’s seriously the best thing I’ve found to help me stay intentional with loving others consistently… and in a way that truly matters. At one point I had a notebook in which I tried to keep my lists of people and requests to pray for, but I found it not very user friendly so I didn’t pick it up much…but this app is amazing!  Not only have I created lists for Biblical Prayers, My Walk with God and Sharing my faith, I also have lists for….my family, my church, my missionary friends, my small group and my friends. And under each list, I have specific people listed with specific requests that are set to pop up in my daily prayer list on certain days of the week or month… so that way I don’t forget.

When their name displays on my screen during my prayer time, I flip over to text, iMessage or whatever way I have of communicating with them and ask how they’re doing, let them know I’m praying specifically for them and ask what I can lift up on their behalf. Let me tell you- no one has ever neglected to respond to that message, no matter how busy their life is.  Then I add those requests or updates to their prayer card, pray and know that I will circle back with them again at the appointed time. Goodbye good intentions gone by the wayside or saying I’ll pray for you without following through!  Been there, done that way more times than I can count.  

I’m telling ya, this app is a way to love others well.  And I even have YOU, my listeners on a list too! In fact, inside the REDEEM Her Time Community we also have a thread for prayer requests, so come join us and share how we can pray for you.

  1.  GOOGLE DRIVE. I don’t know about you, but with so many people to remember to send pics to, sometimes it’s easier just to create a shared google folder to share.  We’ve done this for photos from family events (or ones the rest of the family would love to see like the Challenge 2 of my guys just participated in…yes, they paid money to be pushed past their limit mentally and physically- it was fun to watch from the sidelines and share with those who could not be there in person).  And we often use a shared folder for sharing important documents…which lately means wedding guest lists and bridal shower plans (We’re on the countdown to just over 4 months now)
  2. INSPIRATIONAL STICKERS.  I’m not usually one for adding GIFs (I’ve never known how to correctly pronounce that) or even a lot of emojis cuz they just feel cheezy, but I get it, they help put some emotion behind words that could be interpreted in a thousand ways. This sticker pack pops up at the bottom of my keyboard when I’m sending a text so I can add a little something to say “I’m thankful for you” or “Have a blessed day” or “Praying for you”. If you search your app store, I’m sure you’ll find plenty that will add that special touch to make your digital message have more impact and make someone smile and feel loved. 
  3. CROSSCARDS APP. Similar to the stickers, this app lets you send a little something to brighten someone’s inbox with an e-card…kinda like when you get a colored envelope in your mailbox and it stands out from all the junk mail, political mail and bills. Doesn’t that feel amazing?  And I love that these have Scripture or Biblical truth on them to encourage others no matter what they are facing.  No more forgetting to grab a card at the store or running out of stamps…or worse yet, writing the card, addressing and stamping it and then the dog eating the entire thing cuz you forgot to mail it and left it on the counter.  (Yep, true story. I won’t mention any names…ahem-Maggie) Sending an e-card literally takes seconds to love others well- easy peasy, no excuses. 

And I’m gonna give you a BONUS IDEA as an advanced strategy if you’re up for a challenge to use your phone well to love others…. 

When you are on any social media platform, use your time scrolling to pray & say hey. 

I don’t scroll much anymore since disconnecting over the past year, but when I do and notice a way to encourage or support someone else, I do. Either I like with the appropriate emoji and comment or I go send them a direct message to make it more personal.  Either way, I know it means a lot.  

But here’s the danger: when you’re on social, it’s easy to get sucked in and exposed to a lot of content that does NOT help you love God and others more…in fact it may even cause you to follow the 2 most important commandments less and less!  

So use this strategy sparingly or at least with healthy boundaries in place like setting a timer for how long you’ll be on.  And don’t say I didn’t warn ya. 

Was that helpful to think about how to make your device a tool for blessing and benefiting, not just staring and comparing?

I love that it allows me to love those close and far away, including the missionaries we have just visited 11 time zones away.  It’s been how we’ve stayed connected over the many months between trips to maintain and build relationships…that way it feels like we can pick up like we never left off. 

Here’s the takeaway I want you to get-  people matter to God and they should matter to you enough to make changes with how you use your phone…and your phone-time.  

I’m so thankful my brother is still with us, and all the more want to make sure he knows he is loved…by me and by God. 

So who is God calling you to love well today?  What will you do to surprise someone with heart-felt encouragement, a random act of kindness or a shared experience to show them some of God’s love?  

Got that person in mind?  First let’s pray, then let’s do.

Dear Lord-

Thank you for being our Father and calling us your children, no matter how much we forget you and those you have called us to love. Thank you that you provided a way for us to reconnect with you through the sacrifice of your Son. And thank you that You have not created us to do life alone, but to be in community with those around us to hold one another up and remind one another of Your truth. By Your Spirit, keep us from forgetting and getting swept up in the things of this world that will not last and direct our attention to what does matter- Your Word and Your People. May we be a blessing to those you have put in our lives, both near and far and use technology to love them well. Thank You that Your love for us does not end and is not conditional and may that love spur us on to love one another. We can’t wait to see what you’ll do when we give our phone-time to You.  In Jesus’s name, amen. 

Ok, grab your phone, open up your app (or your app store) and let’s each bless someone through our devices right now…think about the ripple effect that will have.  See ya back in a few days for more Things that are Better that should make you put your phone down…

Thanks for joining me for this episode and until next time, remember…

You DO have ALL the time you need to do ALL He has called you to.

Be available to who + what matters most in this season and in light of eternity…

Cuz you are here for Such a Time as This.  

Binge the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Challenge Series

Ep 105  No Time?  The #1 Tip to Find 1-4 Hours in your Day for Better Time Management

Ep 106 Distracted by Your Phone? 2 Key Steps for Christian Women to Overcome Digital Distraction

Ep 107 Wish You Could Break-up with Your Phone? 3 Steps to Start Setting Healthy Screen-Time Boundaries

Ep 108 Don’t Live on Good Intentions. 4 Steps to Create a Personalized Phone-Time Plan to Prioritize What Matters

Ep 109 Wish your Phone wasn’t so Distracting?  5 Tips to Dumb-down your Smartphone to get more Time in your Day 

Ep 110  3 Steps to Build the Kingdom of God with your Phone-Time as a Busy Christian Woman

Ep 111  Put it down. 5 NO Phone Zones  for Better Time Management

Ep 112  Is your Phone Shaping You?  3 Questions to Ask to Be Transformed by God Instead 

Ep 113  5 Speed Bumps You can Create to Make your Phone Less Accessible and Better Manage your Time

Ep 114  Don’t be a Hypocrite.  3 Steps to Redeem your Phone-Time (and heart) as a Christian Woman

Ep 115 Download these 5 Apps to Love God More and Make Better Use of Your Time

Ep 116  4 Things that are Better that Should Make you Put Down Your Phone, Pt 1

Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website

> Join the REDEEM Her Time Community (did I mention it’s FREE?!)

> Get the REDEEM Her Phone-Time Guide + Screensaver 

> Schedule a free 15 Min Strategy Session

> Submit a question or comment


P.S.  And don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts to get your name in the drawing for $100 OFF the REDEEM Her Time Coaching Program…coming soon!

Law of Compensation
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