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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 201 | Your Time is NOT Limitless. 3 Ways to Embrace Limits for Growth

201 | Your Time is NOT Limitless. 3 Ways to Embrace Limits for Growth

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Hey Friend- if you could have a SUPERPOWER, what would it be?  As a busy Christian Woman Entrepreneur juggling a lot of things between midlife and business I’m guessing it might be the power to EXPAND time, CONTROL time or DEFY time…am I right?  

I know cuz I’ve wished for those things too…maybe not by donning a superhero cape and mask, but certainly by cramming my calendar and to-do list with more than I have time for, more than is under my control and more than I can do all at once.  

Why? Because we desire TIME without LIMITS. 

But guess what, we don’t always get what we wish for…and good thing, cuz if we did we would be flying around in our own power! 

Instead we are dependent, in a good way. And we serve a God who is beyond time- One who is limitless, in control and everywhere.  

So instead of fruitlessly trying to put ourselves in His place with how we try to manipulate the 24 HOURS we have to make it do what we want it to, what if we entrust our time into His hands and let HIM be the author of it? 

He is not only ALWAYS ON TIME…He is BEYOND TIME!  

And He desires a relationship WITH those of us who have limits.

If that’s you too, let’s lean in, let go and let God.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and Apply to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time in Life + Biz

Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website

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