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Why is it so Hard for Christian Women to Name What Matters? 5 Steps to Clarify your WITH-God Life Plan

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Hey Friend-

Ever find it hard to name what matters?  For a long time I didn’t know either…honestly because I never stopped doing all-the-things long enough to sit until I had an answer. 

Cuz let’s be honest, as Christian women who are serving everyone else, when was the last time someone asked what you wanted anyway?

Sometimes it’s hard for us to name what matters.

Spoiler’s now easy (or at least easier) for me to name what matters by using a faith-led life planning framework. And the secret to why it works is…well, I think I’ll save that for the episode.  

So if you often (or even just sometimes) find it difficult to name what matters, stick around cuz I’m sharing the 5 steps you can take today to know with confidence. 

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

And be sure to grab your spot in the REDEEM Her Time Coaching program here use code FLASH20 to get 20% OFF at checkout

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Check out the show notes for a recap… plus links to become a REDEEM Her Time Community Insider here

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