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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 176 | What Matters Most. 3 Keys to Simplifying Life in this Season

176 | What Matters Most. 3 Keys to Simplifying Life in this Season

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Hey Friend- Ever feel overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted in your season of life? 

You are not alone.  And guess what, you’re not the first woman in midlife to experience this either.

My advice is to find someone a little further down the road that can help you discover not only HOW to get out of survival mode, but more importantly WHY to get out… so you don’t crash in the present & lose sight of eternity. 

Most likely their hindsight will tell you the answer lies in SIMPLIFYING LIFE.

My guest today, Aimee Niblack, is a homeschooling mom of 6 living children ages 6-18 and has been married to her husband, Will, for 19 years. A few years ago, God called her to step out of her comfort zone to start encouraging overwhelmed Christian women via her blog, Mama Reflections and to start coaching them to simplify their lives so they can live with peace and purpose in their season of motherhood. 

Sound like something you’d like in this season of your life too?

You’re gonna love how this conversation about the 3 Keys to Simplifying Life resonates so much with what we talk about on REDEEM Her Time …so listen in and get ready to be blessed, challenged and moved to action

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa (& Aimee)

Be sure to grab the 5 Guaranteed Solutions to Mom Burnout eBook

P.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!

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