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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 165 | Are you a RULE Follower? 3 Questions to Create a RULE OF LIFE for Better Life Balance + Time Management

165 | Are you a RULE Follower? 3 Questions to Create a RULE OF LIFE for Better Life Balance + Time Management

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Are you a RULE FOLLOWER?  Here’s the truth, whether you admit it or not, you actually are. 

We all have a rule of life we follow, whether intentionally or unintentionally…and it’s that rule that shaped our past, shapes our present and will shape our future.  

I know- for many of us, the word rule may bring up negative memories of strict parents, stern teachers, unsympathetic police officers…so don’t let the word rule put you off.  So maybe you just need to look at it differently in order to embrace it and intentionally use it to flourish and grow in your WITH God Life…

Cuz the right kind of rule  is the way to make the best use of your time this fall…and in the seasons to come.

Speaking of which, tomorrow is the last day to get in on the FALLYALL Sale going on right now to join the REDEEM Her TIme Coaching Program… inside you’ll find the exact step-by-step framework you need to not only create your Rule of Life in the 8 areas of attention for this season, but also to tools to focus where your time goes (and where it doesn’t) so you can consistently live out where He’s called you. 

With code FALLYALL, you not only get $100 off lifetime access to the framework, but you also get access to the exclusive student only Inner Circle Community + Spotlight Coaching Calls to get all the support you need…plus an extra bonus of a personalized time-block review to help you get your time organized before any more time gets away from you.  Sound amazing?  Don’t take it from me, go check it out for yourself and hear from those who have already gone through the program at

But the discount + bonuses all go away at midnight tomorrow, Aug 30th, so my advice is…don’t even wait till the end of this episode….right now, go visit and grab your spot to lock in your discount + bonuses before they’re gone. 

Then come back to this episode cuz I’m gonna not only show you why a rule is a good thing, but how to start creating your own rule of life. 

Ready to grow together WITH God?  Me too, let’s get started. 

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program and use code FALLYALL to Get $100 OFF + all the BONUSES before they expire Aug 30th

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