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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 183 | To-Do List Tips. Use Power Hours for Better Time Management

183 | To-Do List Tips. Use Power Hours for Better Time Management

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Ok friend- Today we’re gonna talk TO-DO Lists…I actually call them SHOULD-DO lists, cuz they always make you feel like you SHOULD be doing something.

I know, cuz I was controlled by mine.  Whenever I thought of something that I should do, whether it was related to my life or biz, it went on one long list.  But the problem was, that list never got completed, only got longer and always weighed me down with a lot of SHOULD-DOs.

So a few years ago, I ditched to-do lists and feeling like there’s always something I should be doing… and instead implemented power hours- and let me just tell you, it’s lifted that TO-DO list burden. 

If you have a to-do list of any length, you’ll wanna lean in and listen today cuz we’re gonna cover the problem with to-do lists and how to finally eliminate them.

Be sure to listen to the end for the 5 steps to create a consistent power hour routine to better manage your time and get those few important miscellaneous tasks on your to-do list off your plate. 

Ready to ditch your TO-DO list today?  Good. Grab these To-Do List Tips..then you can shred it for good!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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