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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 180 | Stop Money Stress. Expert Tips on Wise Financial Stewardship

180 | Stop Money Stress. Expert Tips on Wise Financial Stewardship

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Ok friend, It’s time to have an honest conversation about something we often don’t like to talk about…MONEY.

How do you feel when you think about your finances?  BLESSED, STRESSED…a little (or lot of both)? 

As Christian women in midlife and biz we can be all over the place when it comes to our money and put off talking (or even thinking) about it. 

But here’s the thing, just like with your TIME, if you don’t push pause to honestly look at where it’s going, where you want it to go and the steps you need to take to be a good steward, it’s never gonna happen…

and will only lead to more stress in your marriage, in your business, in your life!  

No worries, you can BE KNOT AFRAID when it comes to your money.

My guest today, Kimberly Demerest is the owner of Be Knot Afraid Financial Coaching. In March 2010 she was finally back to work after the great recession but nearly $50,000 in debt! That didn’t include her mortgage. Realizing that 75% of her take home pay went to debt and even worse thinking/stressing about money daily! That fired her up to take back her time and her paycheck. Budgeting then helped her and her husband become debt free, including their house, in September 2015. And as of today, she’s helped 100’s of individuals and families create a money plan that works for their lives.

Not only does she show you how to get back control of your MONEY, but how to regain the TIME you used to spend thinking (and stressing) about it. 

Sneak peek…once you hear her definition of a BUDGET, you’ll never cringe at the thought of it again!  

Book a free Coaching Session with Kimberly at

And take your next best step and schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session…and let’s look at your TIME! 

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Kimberly

P.S. Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

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