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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 152 | Spiritual Multitasking Hack to Find Time to get in Scripture (Bonus: It Helps with Anxiety too) with Nevitta Mason, LPC

152 | Spiritual Multitasking Hack to Find Time to get in Scripture (Bonus: It Helps with Anxiety too) with Nevitta Mason, LPC

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Hey Friend- chances are, you struggle with anxiety on some level.  Did you know that as a woman you are 2X as more likely to struggle with an anxiety disorder than men and that nearly 25% of women deal with this on a regular basis?  

Sometimes as Christians we’re told to JUST PRAY MOREbut today’s guest is here to share that it’s OK to have Jesus + a Therapist!

Nevitta Mason is  a wife, mother and former teacher turned counselor who blends her teaching knowledge, counseling knowledge and love of Jesus into her work. Nevitta is an avid hiker, paddle boarder and gardener… and is also a former foster child, Foster parent and Court Appointed Special Advocate. Because of Jesus’ direction in her life, she is a first generation graduate of high school, college and graduate school and is currently writing a book called Day Old Doughnuts. 

And she is my friend. 

Listen in cuz Nevitta is gonna not only show us how our physical, spiritual and emotional health is all connected… but also how to use 2-FERS (a fun way to spiritually multitask) by slowing down your head (and heart) with truth….that way you won’t waste your time worrying.

Can’t wait to hear what your 2-FER will be so you can turn “I don’t have time to get in the Word” into something as natural as breathing…

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

Follow Nevitta Mason Counseling on Facebook or visit her website for more spiritual mental health resources.

And you’re invited to the JULY DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE CHALLENGE inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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