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Home » Captivate Podcasts » REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 5 Replay | Where Are you Looking for Wisdom to Make the Best Use of your Time?

REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge DAY 5 Replay | Where Are you Looking for Wisdom to Make the Best Use of your Time?

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Hey Friend- Just in case you got BUSY and couldn’t join us LIVE for DAY 5 of the REDEEM Your Time this Fall Challenge inside our Community…or if you meant to, but got DISTRACTED, or if you been caught up in the-back-to-school rush (even though you may or may not have kids in school) and you were UNAWARE it was even happening…

I didn’t want you to miss out on this important conversation that could CHANGE EVERYTHING about your time this fall…or in any season for that matter.

On DAY 5 we address the biggest MISTAKE we as busy Christian women often make- looking in all the WRONG places for answers about how to use our time- that only leads to worrying, wandering, and wasting.

But when we look to HIM, it brings purpose, peace and presence. 

Not only do I share my most embarrassing moment, which happened in 4th grade because I was looking in the wrong place, but how everything changes when we intentionally REDEEM our TIME WITH Him… and WITH others.

If you already know you’re ready to ditch the squirrel brain- running on empty from one thing to the next, trying to squeeze “just one more thing” into an already busy life, taking on all the things you think you should do (or others think you should) and looking to the world as the standard for your time…

Then YOU are invited to join me inside the REDEEM HER TIME COACHING PROGRAM!

We’ll do a deep dive into your WITH God Life with the exact SYSTEM + SUPPORT you need to create Life Balance, have better Time Management & follow through with Consistency on what you say matters- or better yet, what God says matters. 

And guess what…

YOU can get started for $0 today when you use code FALLYALL (one word) at checkout.

Head over to to join today…

And when you get started TODAY, Aug 25th, you get the FAST ACTION BONUS– an invitation to join an exclusive KICKSTART YOUR FALL COACHING CALL with an expert (me) + other like-minded women like you! 

Listen in to DAY 5 of the Challenge-

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Start the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program  use code FALLYALL to get started for $0 through Aug 30, 2023

Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website

> Schedule a 1 Hr Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session

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> Schedule a free 5 Min Find-the-Time Chat

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