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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 178 | Putting things Off? Put off Procrastination to Save Lost Time

178 | Putting things Off? Put off Procrastination to Save Lost Time

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Hey friend- Are you a REACTOR  or a PROACTOR?  (Yes, I made up that second word…but you know what I mean, right?)  A REACTOR is someone who reacts in the moment by making a decision that is usually more about survival in the short term…but a PROACTOR is someone who plans ahead how she will respond, taking into account her best interest in the long term. 

Did you know PROCRASTINATION is actually being a REACTOR to your emotions?

As women in midlife, especially going through all the changes in emotions throughout menopause, we are prone to a rollercoaster of emotions. 

Hence, plenty of opportunities to procrastinate. 

Learning to better manage your mind and emotions translates into having more time for what’s truly important, cuz not only does procrastination not help move forward, it also costs you more time to get back on track.

No worries, I won’t leave you on that rollercoaster of procrastination. 

My guest today, Laura Naiser, is a mindset and life coach for faith-driven entrepreneurs who are ready to better manage their mindset, emotions and behaviors so they can take their business and life to the next level of success, freedom and fulfillment without burnout.

Laura has a degree in Business, is certified through The Life Coach School and has more than twenty years experience teaching and leading in both church and business settings as well as running her own coaching practice. She and her husband Matt live on a ranch outside of Austin, Texas where they raised their two sons and are now enjoying the empty-nest lifestyle.

You’re gonna want to grab all 6 steps you need to put off procrastination…for good.  

Just promise me you won’t put off using them…

Take Laura’s Finally Stop Procrastinating Course 

And Grab your free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching 

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Laura

P.S. Take your next best step and enroll in the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program …the doors are open!

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