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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 192 | Personal Priorities on the Back Burner? How to Create Work-Life Balance as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur

192 | Personal Priorities on the Back Burner? How to Create Work-Life Balance as a Christian Woman Entrepreneur

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Hey friend- A recent study showed 64% of Americans say they do not have time to take care of themselves…UM, excuse me-

Did they ask busy Christian midlife women entrepreneurs?  

Cuz I’m guessing pretty close to 100% of us would say finding time to take care of ourselves is an ongoing challenge. 

Would you say that’s true of you too?

It’s easy to point the finger at everything around us as our excuse as to why we don’t have time for ourselves- if I had an empty nest, if I had a more supportive spouse, if I had a team for my business, if I had more in my bank account…

But did you notice what all those had in common?   I.

That means it’s really a ME problem…which also means it’s easy to fix.

Now before you assume this is just another self-help podcast that makes it all about YOU, let me assure you that even though the problem is all about you, the solution is NOT about you…it’s about HIM. 

Curious as to how to put the personal priorities of Wellness, Passions and Dwelling (but dwelling not in the way you think) on the front burner and finally create work-life balance that’s NOT selfish as a midlife Christian woman entrepreneur?  

Good, stick around till the end for the #1 Key you need to implement.

And be sure to join the REDEEM Her Time Community to join the conversation and grab the REDEEMED Midlife Book Club List…plus get LIVE access to the CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series Dec 4-8.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time

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