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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 179 | On Time. A Bill Paying Routine for Good Financial Stewardship

179 | On Time. A Bill Paying Routine for Good Financial Stewardship

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Hey Friend- Do you know the condition of your flock (aka your personal + biz bank account)?  

If you’re like me, you remember the days when you waited for the monthly paper statement and then sat down and balanced your checkbook to make sure you knew exactly what was in your account.  And probably, you either paid for things with cash or a check, and had to drive to the bank to make a deposit, so you physically saw it coming and going. 

Now I’m not suggesting we should go back to the old days of paper and pencil for managing our finances, but I will say we’ve gotten a bit lazy around our stewardship…aka how we’re viewing and using our resources. 

And when I polled the REDEEM Her Time Community, bill paying was one of the areas women mentioned that created stress in their week, hence it needs a Recurring Routine…

Be sure to grab all 5 steps to create a Bill Paying/Financial Routine that fits your life + biz to make the most use of not only your time, but also your resources (aka money)…so you can invest it in who + what matters most. 

Take your NEXT BEST STEP to know where your TIME is going…and the key to changing how you view + use it. Schedule a Schedule-Shaping Strategy Session 

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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