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My Story of Pain to Power + 3 Steps to Handle a Difficult Season

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Have you heard the advice, “Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to another person’s highlight reel?”  It’s true. 

As women, we’ve struggled with this for a long time (think Sarai and Hagar back in Genesis 16)…and it doesn’t help that our devices have now made it even easier to see what others share that makes it look like they’ve got it all together and always have….and feel like you don’t and never will.

But it doesn’t just happen when watching someone on social…

it happens just as much when listening to someone on a podcast. 

That’s why today I am pulling back the curtains and talking all about me…cuz I want you to know that I haven’t always had it figured out…and still don’t.

But God is at work and used a difficult season in my life to make me who I am today to equip me to serve women like you who are navigating how to make the best use of your time in the midst of a challenging season too. 

Stick around, cuz it’s actually not all about me…

I pray as you hear me share my story of Pain to Power with my good friend Beth Montpas, that you will also reflect on your story and what God might be doing in the midst of it.

And at the end I will share 3 steps to handle a difficult season in your life (or to support someone you love in theirs)

Let’s pull back the curtain…together.

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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