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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 172 | Master your Morning: 6 Steps to a Life-shaping Morning Routine

172 | Master your Morning: 6 Steps to a Life-shaping Morning Routine

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Hey Friend- Be honest, what’s the first thing you do in the morning when you have a busy day ahead- get working, keep snoozing, spend time with Jesus?

Truth be told, it’s often the first two.

As believers we are called to steward our time by recognizing it is a gift from Him to build His Kingdom, so that should include spending time with Him first…but how often do we wear busy like a badge of honor and just start checking boxes? 

I know- you’ve got a lot on your plate.

You may think you don’t have time to care for your soul and faith-walk, but my guest and I are here to tell you, this life-shaping morning routine is THE way to master your morning with THE Master- Him. 

Gail Root is a Kingdom Business Coach, Author, Podcaster, Course & Program Creator. She works with Women of Faith who are called to Lead in Direct Sales and Network Marketing by helping servant leaders create and grow a business and team that honors God and attracts others who want to do the same!

Everything she teaches is dedicated to awakening women to biblical truths in their life & business so they can see their work as a ministry and RISE UP to create a purpose driven life that they love and help other women to do the same. Gail inspires women work smarter not harder, with boundaries that allow them to fully enjoy their life, family, business….and faith walk.

What you’ll hear today is that when you make space for time with Him first , you will be filled with His peace and wisdom for all that your day holds….and that my friend is a life-shaping morning routine.

Get ready to take notes cuz we’re gonna dive into the 6 steps to Master your Morning…with Him.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

Get a copy of Gail’s Master Your Morning Book on Amazon

And if you’re in Direct Sales or Network Marketing, learn more about Gail’s services at

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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