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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 173 | Master Paper Piles: 5-Step Routine to Control Paper Pile-ups

173 | Master Paper Piles: 5-Step Routine to Control Paper Pile-ups

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Hey friend…are you listening to this episode at home? If not, no worries- you can do this simple exercise when you get home. But If you’re already there, I want you to stop and do a 360 to look around you.

What piles do you see? 

If you’re like most busy women in midlife I’m guessing you regularly see piles of PAPER- newspapers, magazines, books, catalogs, flyers, bulletins, mail, paperwork…? 

All things you’ve been meaning to get to and go through.

Am I right?  Ask me how I know. 

Even though we’ve moved into what they call the Digital Age, PAPER still tends to PILE UP. And how does seeing those piles make you feel?

Are you embarrassed, so you HIDE it in cabinets, or bins or drawers or boxes… or bathroom tubs if someone is coming over? 

Do you feel overwhelmed so you AVOID it and then feel a sense of angst every time you walk past about what’s in there that really should be taken care of?

Either way, your solution to put it off till later may feel good in the moment, but it never fixes the real problem…which is why it keeps PILING UP.

Cuz it’s NOT just a PAPER issue- as in how high the pile is or how many piles you could count around your home…it actually reveals a HEART issue.

Would you rather feel FREE + CLEAR as you walk around your home? 

Good- let’s apply our 5 step system to create a ROUTINE around dealing with all that PAPER…for good.

That way you can stop wasting time shuffling it from one place to the next.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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