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Maintain (or Build) Momentum with Foundation Habits this Summer

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Hey Friend- We’re just 1 week into Summer and already you may feel like you’re in quicksand when it comes to where your TIME is going…wish there was a simple way to maintain the momentum of intention and growth you had just a few weeks or months ago? 

OR maybe you’re that girl who wishes there was a simple way to build any kind of momentum in the first place, right?

Now I’m no architect, but I do know a thing or two…you first need to lay a solid foundationwhether that’s building a new house in the neighborhood of your dreams…or building your WITH-God life in the 8 areas of attention. 

So today I want to teach you the 3 simple steps to lay FOUNDATION HABITS– that way, when you’ve got a strong foundation, no matter what life brings- surprises, struggles, storms, seasons (aka summer)…you’ve still got something to stand on.

Grab your calendar and journal…we’ve got some building to do…together.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday 5 Min FIND-the-TIME Coaching Chats before the party’s over! 

P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program

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