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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 184 | Know Your Calling. Have an Undivided Heart with Clear Vision

184 | Know Your Calling. Have an Undivided Heart with Clear Vision

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Hey Fellow Entrepreneur- Ever feel a little fragmented?  It’s no wonder cuz as a go-getter you’re most likely also a DO-er…chances are you’re doing a lot both in your life + business in this season. Am I right?

And often, in our sincere desire to be great in what we do, we listen to a whole lot of voices besides His….including well-meaning family & friends or even peers & mentors.

All of that can lead to a HEART (and CALENDAR) that feels a little all over the place. Can you relate?

Today I want to remind you that you’re first called to BE in Him, then you can DO. And when you have an undivided heart with a clear vision from Him, you will see and feel more focused with your time in both life and business.

That’s why I’ve invited my friend Karena Calhoun to have this conversation.

Karena is a disciple of Christ, a podcast host, and a dedicated consultant and coach for women on their entrepreneurial journeys. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by women pursuing business ventures, transitioning into full-time entrepreneurship without prior experience, or juggling side hustles alongside commitments, Karena empowers women to overcome obstacles and achieve their aspirations as a trusted ally, offering guidance and inspiration every step of the way.

And today you’ll hear BIBLICAL TRUTH + PRACTICAL TOOLS to create an undivided heart and GO BE GREAT…WITH God!

Download Karena’s Beyond Boundaries: The Confidence Catalyst Toolkit

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

Lissa + Karena

P.S. Grab Lissa’s free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

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