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Home » Captivate Podcasts » How Do I know if it’s His Voice or Mine? Untangled Faith with Megan Nilsen

How Do I know if it’s His Voice or Mine? Untangled Faith with Megan Nilsen

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Hey Friend- 

Is it just me or do you ever wonder…is that God’s voice or mine?  

As Christian women who want to let Him lead us in this WITH-God Life, sometimes it’s hard to quiet the noise around us, and let’s be honest the noise inside us, so that we can hear HIS voice above all the others…

And then often we second guess whether or not it was really Him or just our great idea…have you been there too? 

That’s why on today’s episode I want to introduce you to one of my very good friends, Megan Nilsen. Megan is a speaker, author, life coach, and founder of the Beautiful Exchange Community. She offers Christ-centered coaching for those seeking kingdom alignment and strategy during a transitional season in faith, relationships, or vocational calling. She loves discovering what God put in the hearts of women that will help them walk in greater confidence, fulfillment, and purpose. 

Now do you see why I have her in my life?

It was actually a discerning question Megan asked me that led to faith being up-front-and-center with all I share through REDEEM Her Timethank you Megan, I am forever grateful for your wisdom and challenging me to listen to God’s voice and walk in obedience.

And friend, I know you’re gonna glean some wisdom today to apply in your life  too. Why not listen in on our conversation…

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


Grab Megan’s Untangled Faith Book + Journal

Follow Megan’s Podcast The Kingdom Life Coaching Podcast

Connect with Megan and Book a Curiosity Call on her website 

P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over! 

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