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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 170 | Get Time Back with a System for Doing this 1 Thing Every Morning

170 | Get Time Back with a System for Doing this 1 Thing Every Morning

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Hey Friend- Coming to you from my closet today….and for good reason. Do you have any idea how much time you spend in yours getting dressed each morning?  Do you even want to know? 

There’s the time picking something out, trying it on, looking in the mirror, taking it off, trying on something else, looking in the mirror again, making more tweaks or resigning yourself to the fact that nothing looks good on you anyway…

For the average woman that adds up to 22 min a day!

Not only does that cut into your MORNING REFILL time, but it ADDS UP…..22 min a day x 365 days comes to 137 hours a year! 

That’s the equivalent of nearly 6 full days (or more) hiding in your closet. 

I can think of a lot better ways to spend my time than standing in my closet with a pile of rejected clothes on the floor around me…not only will that cost you more time to hang up or fold and put away, but it also sets up a mindset about how you look and feel that follows you into the day. 

That used to be me, till I found a system to customize my personal style, clear out what didn’t serve me (that I never wore anyway) and fill my closet with only what I love and feel good in.

All thanks to my closet BFF…

Ashli Anna is a wife, homeschooling mom & worship leader as well as a Personal Style Coach and Podcaster at Bold Faith and Fashion. She brings over 10 years of experience at Stitch Fix to help busy women create stylish wardrobes with clothes and accessories they feel GOOD wearing that match their lifestyle and “right now bodies.”

And I love that she does all of this through a biblical lens so that women can practically show up in clothes they feel good in while being confident in whose they are… and ensure that what they are wearing coordinates with what God has called her to do each day.  

I’m just gonna say if you feel like you waste precious time, money or energy getting dressed…after today, she will be your Closet BFF too!

Email Ashli Anna ASAP to grab a 1:1 Coaching spot at

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Listen to the Bold Faith and Fashion Podcast

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I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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