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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 185 | Busyness to Fruitfulness. 3 Keys to Redefine Your Productivity

185 | Busyness to Fruitfulness. 3 Keys to Redefine Your Productivity

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Hey friend…just gotta warn ya- I might be a little over-the-top excited on today’s episode, cuz going from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS has been on my heart and mind for a while now…

Not only am I feeling a need for this in my own life, but also hearing it in conversation with a lot of christian women, especially those who are entrepreneurs who are building a life AND building a business and trying to fit it all in.

Everyone in the world seems to be BUSY these days… YOU too?  

I truly think it all comes down to our definition of PRODUCTIVITY and how that directs what we spend our TIME doing (or not doing). 

On today’s episode we’re gonna get our hearts under the microscope to diagnose the REAL problem around your BUSYNESS, redefine your definition of PRODUCTIVITY as a Christian woman & entrepreneur and prescribe the beliefs and actions that will help you go from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS. 

But this going from BUSYNESS to FRUITFULNESS is a lifelong journey so today we’re just getting started… and I can’t wait to share some of the truth + tools God has shown me to help you shift everything about your productivity and time in midlife and biz!  

Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time

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