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BIRTHDAY Give-Away + MANAGE YOUR TIME Masterclass: Timely Resources for June

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Hey CEO-

Can you believe it’s June 1st? 

Not only does that mean it’s time to turn the page on the calendar to start a new month, it’s also a time when we find ourselves asking, “WHERE DID THE TIME GO?”

Then often resign ourselves to living in what feels like an OUT-OF-MY-CONTROL TIME-WARP… cuz most days our attempts at slowing the pace is fruitless. 

They say in summertime, the living is easy, but for most of us, it’s anything but easy cuz no matter how much we try to MANAGE it, time seems to KEEP GETTING AWAY.

That’s why I’m popping in on this short bonus episode to share 2 exciting resources with you…

BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY: DAILY KAIROS JOURNAL. Leave a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts between June 1-6th sharing how this podcast has made a difference in your heart + calendar (or share the podcast with a friend + why you thought of them and post a screenshot inside the REDEEM Her Time Community). Then pop in the community on June 7th to see if you’re the winner!

MANAGE YOUR TIME WITHOUT CHASING THE CLOCK. Join me June 11th or 12th for a free live Masterclass to get to the root of why your attempts at Time Management haven’t worked (or at least worked for very long) and the way to shift everything about how you approach time that will make all the difference as a busy Christian Woman Solo or Entrepreneur. Register here to grab a spot + LIVE/REPLAY access

I pray these bless, challenge and move you to action!

xo- Lissa

Register for the Manage your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass …and discover the true key to time management to REDEEM your Time WITH-God in both Life + Biz

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