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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 168 | Are you a PEOPLE PLEASER? 3 Steps to Please an Audience of One with Tanya Engesether

168 | Are you a PEOPLE PLEASER? 3 Steps to Please an Audience of One with Tanya Engesether

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Hey friend- Would you say this is true…

“Most busyness comes from our wild ongoing attempts to please others.” 

I think you’re agreeing…cuz when we’re trying to be all things to all people, that’s exhausting, and actually a big WASTE of TIME.

BUT…what amazing peace we experience when we leave behind seeking the approval of others and seek to please an audience of one- Him! And when we find our identity and value in what He says about us, then we’re not busy doing for Him, but simply doing with Him. 

My guest today, Tanya Engesether, understands people-pleasing well cuz she’s a self-proclaimed one…

As a recovering people-pleaser, Tanya spent most of her life and career trying to find worthiness through achievement, only to find herself feeling unfulfilled and burned out. It wasn’t until she truly claimed her identity in Christ and started to understand what it means to be a Child of God that she found freedom from approval seeking. God has shown her a new way of living and leading, in partnership with Him.

Now Tanya is passionate about helping other women gain a heart-knowledge of who they are in Christ, become fueled by grace, and find freedom from people-pleasing so that they can create more time for the things that matter most. 

Ooh girl, if you call yourself a PEOPLE PLEASER (on any level) you’re in for a real treat today.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


Grab Tanya’s free 7-day Gratitude Journal here  

P.S. Join the REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program for the SYSTEM + SUPPORT to make time to hear His voice and live a WITH-God life that’s truly fulfilling

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