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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 177 | Always Cleaning? A Weekly Household Cleaning Routine Saves Time

177 | Always Cleaning? A Weekly Household Cleaning Routine Saves Time

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Hey Friend- Feel like you’re always cleaning cuz there’s always something needing your attention: the pile of laundry, the sink full of dishes, the dust bunnies under the bookshelf?  

Our dwellings (aka homes) require our time and attention…did you know that a recent study shows that women spend on average 21 hours a week doing housework? That’s like having a part time job on top of running a business and everything else you do. 

For many women in midlife, it feels like the chores are never done…but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

We all know routines save us precious time, especially on recurring tasks, so today we’ll use the 5 steps to create a household cleaning routine… 

That way you don’t feel like you’re never done. 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to sit down to work on your business or enjoy a movie with your hubby and NOT feel like you need to get up from your desk or off the couch to switch the laundry or dust that shelf?  

Let’s cut down the time you give to those household chores so you can invest it in who + what matters most instead…

Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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