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A Declaration of Digital Independence from our Phones…YOU with US?

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Happy Independence Day my friend…I hope you have meaningful ways planned to celebrate… but before we move on to the parades, the cookouts and the fireworks, let’s gain INDEPENDENCE from our devices (aka phones).

That’s why I am declaring July as DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE MONTH.

In the words of Benjamin Wallace (played by Mel Gibson in The Patriot)…

Why have we traded the rule of a TYRANT 3,000 miles away (aka King George), for the rule of 3,000 TYRANTS just an arms length away?

YES, you have 3,000 TYRANTS on your phone….Let me explain on today’s episode.

I promise to keep this short, sweet and real so you can be present with what your day holds…so what do you say? Wanna break the chains of TYRANNY of our devices together?

Come join the DECLARATION OF DIGITAL INDEPENDENCE inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


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