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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 187 | 4 Steps to Audit your Biz To-Do’s for better Task Management

187 | 4 Steps to Audit your Biz To-Do’s for better Task Management

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Friend- It’s time to have a heart to heart about your Business TO-DO list, so go ahead pull it out now…

Now you may be thinking 1 of 3 things- 

I don’t have a business to-do list right now cuz I don’t have a business…

If  that’s you, I encourage you to stick around cuz the 4 step process we’re gonna walk through applies to your life to-do list too.

Or I’ve got business to-do’s, but they’re not all in one place and a lot is in my head….

If that’s you, I encourage you to gather them from all those random places (including your head) so you can see them all in front of you

Or I’ve got such a long list that I don’t like looking at it cuz it makes me feel bad about all the ways I’m failing to complete it…

If that’s you, I encourage you to get it out so we can do something about it…like reduce it down to just what matters.

Got your to-do list in front of you?  

Let me sum up the entire 4 step process into 1 simple phrase…


Simple, but not easy. 

Cuz if you’re like I was, and like most busy women trying to juggle all-the-things in life and business, you’re wasting a lot of time on what DOESN’T matter right now.  

If you want to know how to change that, I invite you to stick around for this episode and jot down these 4 simple steps to audit your biz to-do’s for better task management.

And be sure to join the free REDEEMED Midlife CEO Club for free resources + exclusive access to the CEOs DON’T WAIT TILL JAN 1st Workshop Series coming soon!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Take your next best step and schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL …discover the key to REDEEMING Your Time

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