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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 306 | Build Your Business WITHOUT Social for better Christian Time Management, feat Gabe Cox

306 | Build Your Business WITHOUT Social for better Christian Time Management, feat Gabe Cox

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Hey CEO-

It’s March 6th…you know what that means? The REDEEM Her Time Community DIGITAL FAST begins today!

Over the next 40 days leading up to Easter, we’re gonna put down our devices, more than we pick them up, so we can not only RECLAIM + REDEEM TIME, but REDIRECT our time towards what matters most, including the Lord and the Life + Biz He’s called us to in this season.

I’ve been having lots of conversations with business owners over the past few weeks about this and you know what the most common objection that’s come up?

“Lissa, I need to be on social to build my business.”

But is that really true? Not necessarily.

That’s why I’ve invited my friend Gabe Cox to join us cuz she’s literally about to host a BUILD YOUR BIZ OFF SOCIAL SUMMIT that yours truly gets to present at.

Gabe is a goal planning and business strategist and the founder of Red Hot Mindset. She helps entrepreneurs personalize and take action on a game plan that works with their capacity in different seasons so that they don’t have to sacrifice everything to hit their goals. She teaches how to market your business without relying on social media so that you can ditch the hustle culture for good.

You’re gonna love how Gabe reminds us that God is able to open doors for our business growth that don’t involve social…and it’s ok to be bored for a few min, rather than reaching for your phone out of habit!

Be sure to grab her free Craft your Marketing Strategy WITHOUT Social Media Mini-course

So that way after today, you’ll have no excuses as to why you can’t join the DIGITAL FAST….besides, I’m not telling you to ditch social for the next 40 days, just pay attention to what gets too much of your time + attention and then do something different about it!

After you’re done listening, be sure to register for the DIGITAL FAST at

Then come join us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community at where we’re making our DIGITAL FAST personal plans + holding one another accountable!

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa + Gabe

P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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