Hey CEO-
YAHOO….We’re celebrating our 300th episode!!!
What a journey it’s been over the past few years on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast as God not only planted the seeds in my heart of this message around how He’s called us to approach TIME as Christian women business owners, but as I’ve watched these seeds take root + grow such that CEOs are reaping an abundant ROTI harvest as their new normal.
BUT… we DON’T define CEO like the world does.
So today I wanna redefine CEO with you, share the benefits of becoming THIS kind of CEO and let you hear straight from a group of my CEOs what it’s like to do this TOGETHER.
(Just so you know, this part was a spontaneous, candid conversation we had at the end of the year about their CEO experience…and I decided to NOT edit out the silence because that was them doing some CEO thinking…and I have a feeling those pauses will help their words sink in for you too)
But the real question is- What could YOUR Biz look like 12 months from now if YOU become THIS kind of CEO?
There’s only way to find out…grab a CEO TIME AUDIT
Access the IT’S TIME CHALLENGE Replays through 2/14
I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!
Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz https://redeemhertime.com/planner