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3 Steps to Finally Follow Through on Completing your Summer Projects

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Hey Friend- got BIG PLANS this summer? I’m not talking about your annual week long beach vacay or your long weekend getaway…I’m talking about those projects you keep saying, “I’ll do that this summer.”

You know- that closet you’re meaning to clean out and organize, those pictures you’re wanting to print and store, that side business you’re wanting to plan and grow, that volunteering you’ve been wanting to give time and attention to…

Got one of those kind of plans?  My guess is yes.

So let me ask, how did that go for you last summer…and the summer before…and the summer before?  Yeah, thought so.  

You started off with great intentions, but it never really happened– and before you knew it, it was fall again and that project got tabled till later. 

No worries, we’ve all been there. 

Since summer officially starts tomorrow, I thought today would be the perfect time to share the 3 steps that will help you finally follow through on completing your summer projects…and still enjoy the sunshine! 

Roll your sleeves up girl…oh wait, you’re probably wearing a tank top by now, so better yet, cuff your jeans cuz we’re gonna get to work!

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Grab one of my free 50th Bday FIND-the-TIME Coaching Calls before the party’s over! 

P.P.S. Get on the Waitlist for the next REDEEM Her Time Group Coaching Program…to dig into your calendar and your heart!

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