Hey CEO-
Ever feel like no matter how much you do, it’s never (quite) enough?
Recently I had an enlightening conversation with Michelle Vroom on the Market Like a Boss podcast, about how to stop chasing enoughness in your business.
We talked about:
→ Why so many women feel stuck in a cycle of busyness
→ How to take back control of your time and energy
→ What it means to slow down and build a business that aligns with your faith
In fact it was so enlightening when I listened back to it the day it aired on her show I just knew had to share it with you here on the REDEEM Her Time Podcast.
WHY? because our conversation brought to light what’s really underlying our Time Challenges (our NOT-enoughness…our time not being enough, our doing not being enough, us not being enough..see the slippery slope)
Shout out to Michelle Vroom (and if you haven’t followed her Market Like a Boss podcast you should)
I pray this episode blesses, challenges and moves you to action to turn everything you’ve ever been taught about the solution to your time problems on its head so you can get the real and lasting fix.
You ready for LASTING CHANGE around your TIME… and NOT-enoughness?
STEP 1 is to listen to this conversation.
STEP 2 is to book a CEO Time Audit where I’ll put my eyes on your time as an UN-Time Management Strategist and together we’ll look at the Schedules, Systems and Strategies coupled with Spiritual Growth that will help you no longer say there’s NOT enough of ANYTHING in your biz.
How’s that for a good ROTI?
Download the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment here redeemhertime.com/assessment
Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community https://redeemhertime.com
P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz https://redeemhertime.com/planner