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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 297 | Earned Media Made Accessible: Get Seen on TELEVISION as a Business Owner

297 | Earned Media Made Accessible: Get Seen on TELEVISION as a Business Owner

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Hey CEO- 

Just curious, have you been on TV (yet) to get visibility for your business?  

I know what you’re thinking, isn’t television just for big name companies who have big marketing budgets and big teams?  

No. Cuz we’re not talking about paid media, we’re talking about EARNED MEDIA….and that’s accessible to anyone.

But you may be wondering- how is what I do NEWS-worthy?  

And how in the world would I get the attention of a tv producer anyway? 

I wondered the same things, which is why I invited my friend Michelle Rupp to do a BIZ DIRECTORY SPOTLIGHT inside the REDEEM Her Time Community and just knew I needed to turn our conversation into a podcast episode so you could hear it too.

Michelle Rupp is an EMMY Award-winning broadcast journalist who now helps small and medium-sized businesses get the earned media exposure they deserve. In fact, she believes in the power of local and regional television so much that she had my own heart surgery televised! 

I can’t wait to see you get on camera after you hear our conversation, so let’s dive in…

Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

Schedule a Complimentary Call with Michelle

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa + Michelle

P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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