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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 294 | There’s TIME between Sowing and Reaping: The Business Growth Cycle Explained

294 | There’s TIME between Sowing and Reaping: The Business Growth Cycle Explained

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Hey CEO- 

Can I just say I’m so stinkin’ excited about the growth you’re gonna experience in your FAITH + LIFE + BIZ as a C.E.O. (a Christ-Empowered Operator) when you embrace the Laws of the Harvest?  

That’s cuz it’s NOT my great idea, it’s HIS. 

And even better, applying the Laws of the Harvest WITH-God always leads to abundant fruitfulness…cuz that’s what gives HIM the most glory. 

But sometimes the fruit DOESN’T look quite like what you had planned or expected…and neither does the TIMELINE.  

That’s why if you want to experience 100-fold growth, the kind that only God can bring, as your ROTI (return on time invested), it’s essential that as a CEO you understand and apply the Laws of the Harvest, especially Law of the Harvest #3…

We REAP in a different season than we SOW. 

Who has ever planted seeds and then had to wait to see the fruit…ALL of us!  It’s true in our garden, in our business and in our faith (even if it’s planting a chia pet…more on that in a min). 

So let’s continue this series about how the Laws of the Harvest apply to you as a CEO and the growth you want to see in your business this year, especially when it comes to your time.

Cuz growth and fruit always take time, right?

Ready to spend some time together digging into this today?  

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

Grab your FREE SEAT for the IT’S TIME CHALLENGE happening Feb 4-7 to dive deeper into the 7 Laws of the Harvest + the 4 CEO Essentials



P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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