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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 287 | DON’T Launch your Book…Launch YOU, feat Sherry Ward

287 | DON’T Launch your Book…Launch YOU, feat Sherry Ward

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Hey CEO- 

You know how they say everyone has at least 1 BOOK in you?

Yeah I didn’t believe it either…until I met Sherry who shifted my perspective. 

I always say, if God called you to your business (or ministry) you SHOULD be talking about it…AND WRITING about it!

Cuz your SPOKEN WORDS can talk about your God-given mission + message…but so can your WRITTEN WORDS…and that will live on longer than you! 

But perhaps the reason so many of us shy away from the book writing is because we think it’s all about launching the book…when actually it’s about launching YOU. 

CEO and Executive Producer of Square Tree Publishing & Productions, Sherry Ward is a seasoned publisher with over eleven years in publishing.

Her authors have been featured on numerous media outlets including CNN, Fox News, Dr. Drew Show, and OC Register. Square Tree has helped give authors a voice, from local state task force conferences to the United Nations.

I can’t wait for you to hear our conversation about what it takes to not just write + launch a book, but to launch YOU!!!

Grab Sherry’s Write-Away Planner System here

Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa + Sherry

P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner + Digital Course to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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