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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 278 | Using Vision Boards to Increase your ROI in both Life + Biz feat. Debbi Sluys

278 | Using Vision Boards to Increase your ROI in both Life + Biz feat. Debbi Sluys

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Hey CEO- 

Do YOU have a VISION of where you’re going in your Life + Biz?

If you’ve been around the REDEEM Her Time Podcast for any length of time, you’ve heard me talk about creating a WITH-God Vision. But with so much on your mind these days and so much flashing across our screens on the daily, what’s a girl to do to keep your vision top-of-mind and top-of-heart? 

It’s simple- Create a VISION BOARD. 

Did you know studies show that writing down your vision increases the likelihood of it coming to fruition by 42%…and that by putting it into images you bump that up to 65%?  

And it gets even better, cuz when you share that vision and get accountability around working towards it, you increase the likelihood of it  becoming a reality to 95%

That’s because vision boards are powerful as they provide focus and clarity around where you’re growing.

But you may be wondering….how does a vision board fit into a believer’s tool kit? And how does it become more than something that just hangs on the wall but never actually happens? 

That’s why today I’ve invited my friend Debbi Sluys, founder of Dare to Declare™ and Host of the Dare to Declare Podcast to join me on this podcast. 

Debbi is a coach, trainer, and speaker whose mission and life purpose is to support women to declare and create the life of their dreams…WITH-God.

Today we’re not only going to talk about the power of vision boards and how to avoid the mistakes most people make, we’re also announcing a special opportunity for YOU to create a mini-vision board for 2025 with me + Debbi as one of my CEOs, so be sure to listen to the end. 

I can’t wait to see the vision God’s given you for YOUR life + Biz…and then to see it happen WITH Him!

Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

Check out Debbi’s Dare to Declare Vision Board Magazine

Schedule your CEO TIME AUDIT to see if the CEO Impact Program is a fit for you (and access the bonus mini-Vision Board Workshop with Debbi + me as a CEO)

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa + Debbi

P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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