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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 277 | IT’S TIME: 3 Time Shifts to Increase your ROI as a Christian Business Owner

277 | IT’S TIME: 3 Time Shifts to Increase your ROI as a Christian Business Owner

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Hey CEO- 

Wondering why your results in business are lacking, non-existant… or LESS-THAN what you’re praying for?  

It’s NOT because you need that one more marketing method or sales strategy or social media secret sauce like the gurus want you to believe….it’s because of how you’re approaching your TIME. 

You see, TIME is a Business Owner’s most valuable asset…that’s why you need to SHIFT your belief, your role and your question around time in order to invest it wisely to increase your ROI!

Cuz here’s the TRUTH- too many business owners are out there running a BUSY-ness instead of a business.  

You know where you’re checking a lot of boxes and filling your calendar with a lot of meetings and trainings (perhaps all good things)…but you’re NOT seeing the RESULTS when it comes to your impact + your income. 

That’s because you think the answer is found in MANAGING your time…but I’m here to show you that managing time actually puts a CAP on your ROI cuz it keeps you running all day long, trying to keep it all under control. 

No wonder you DON’T HAVE TIME to think about your time and the ROI you’re seeing (or not seeing) on it. 

IT’S TIME to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME so you can increase your ROI in Less Time…for the glory of God!

This episode is a training I was privileged to do as part of a recent summit for Christian business owners like you who are launching something in their business, so I pray it speaks to you too. 

And speaking of IT’s TIME…be watching for the IT’s TIME 4-day LIVE Virtual Event I’ll be leading the second week of December…cuz CEOs don’t wait till Jan 1st to be intentional about where they’re investing their time, right?  Stay tuned for more details coming soon on the podcast and inside the redeem Her Time Community to grab your spot.  

You ready to make these 3 SHIFTS around YOUR TIME?  

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community



P.S. Grab the REDEEM Her Time Planner to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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