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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 269 | Increase your Marketing Reach with Podcast Guesting feat. Sabrina Hammonds

269 | Increase your Marketing Reach with Podcast Guesting feat. Sabrina Hammonds

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Hey CEO- 

Are you leveraging Kingdom Connections (in a good way) to grow your reach?  You should. 

TRUE STORY: Somewhere along the way, my guest and I crossed paths and even done a pod swap, but just recently I heard her on another podcast and felt that Holy Spirit nudge to reach out and invite her to another swap now that our missions are even more aligned. 

So I sent a thoughtful video message and a week later, here we are recording her on my podcast and right after this me on hers, both adding value to one another’s audience and both expanding our reach! And I’ve already got some ideas for how she and I can continue to collaborate.

So why do I tell you this? 

Because making Kingdom Connections is her expertise!  And you never know where a God-ordained connection will lead- to a new client, to a great connector or even to the perfect collaborator! 

Sabrina Hammonds is dedicated to helping faith-filled legacy leaders share their transformative stories. She believes our experiences are gifts meant to inspire others.

She founded Kingdom Connections Podcast & Media Agency with a focus on quality over quantity, fostering strategic connections between clients and podcast hosts. This approach encourages collaboration, enabling believers to unite, support one another, and leverage their strengths for God’s glory.

Girl, if you wanna increase the ROI on your time as a Christian business owner, you’re gonna want to lean in, cuz this is the kind of work that will lead to an abundance of fruit in your business…and for the kingdom!  

And Sabrina is here to help us access “the MORE”. 

You ready to connect on a higher level? 

At the end, you’ll hear me invite both Sabrina and YOU into the REDEEM Her Time Community where Christian women business owners are making Kingdom Connections every day, and I have a feeling you’re gonna want to click the link in the show notes to join us so… 

Come join the conversation over inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

And grab Sabrina’s 30 Divinely Aligned Podcasts to Multiply Your Message, Impact, & Influence

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa + Sabrina

P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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