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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 263 | Are you Praying for Your Business? How to Let God of Control and Increase your Impact

263 | Are you Praying for Your Business? How to Let God of Control and Increase your Impact

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Hey CEO- 

If entrepreneurship is 1000x harder than just showing up to a job, why are we not regularly plugging into the power source we have access to as believers through prayer? 

I don’t know about you, but for many years, I would spend my time with God in my fav spot on the couch with my Bible, a blanket and coffee in hand (do you have one of those spots too?)…

and I’d spend plenty of time praying for my family, for my friends, for people in my church and in my community….even for my clients…

but NOT MUCH for my business or for myself as the CEO.  It was like I left Him on the couch when it was time to head to my office…until the next morning.

All the while, I was limiting the growth of my business because I was doing it as if it depended all on me- that’s because I saw myself as a manager of my time and business.  

But all that changed when God showed me that it’s NOT about me. 

And that my role was not manager, but STEWARD, because it didn’t belong to me and the purpose was not to build my kingdom, but His. 

And that’s when I started learning to pray specifically in my CEO Daily Meetings that we talked about last week on Ep 262. 

Prayer is how we connect with the One who holds everything we need…that’s how we can truly build our business WITH-God and see Him do exceedingly, abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine to Him be the glory! 

That’s why I’m excited to bring you this conversation today with Gayle Chaky- Gayle is a transformational business mentor, speaker, host of the “With God as My CEO” podcast (where I will be a guest soon) and founder of the Impact Makers Journey mastermind series. She is passionate about helping women reduce decision-making fatigue and become strong, confident business owners operating with the Lord at the core of their business as they focus on successfully magnifying their impact for His glory. 

Gayle lives in New York with her husband of over 30 years and sweet pup Gracie.  Her life priorities are: faith, family and work in that order.  In her free time she loves walking, bike riding, gardening, sewing or just relaxing in her favorite chair with a good book.

Be sure to listen in for to how to give up control of your business and for how to make prayer a Master’s mind priority…

I have a feeling you’ll be so glad you did cuz your life + biz will never look the same. 

Take Gayle’s IMPACT Assessment here 

Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!


Lissa & Gayle

P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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