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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 262 | Praying for Your Business: A Template for a Daily CEO Meeting With God

262 | Praying for Your Business: A Template for a Daily CEO Meeting With God

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Hey CEO- Ever feel distracted in your time with the Lord such that it’s become another box to check off the day’s mile-long to-do list?  Or feel like after spending time deeply connecting with Him, you head into your work block and leave Him on the couch?  

Been there, done both, didn’t work well. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you desire as a CEO (a Christ-Empowered Operator) to bring God, your Chairman of the Board, with you into every aspect of your business, and no longer try to figure out building it on your own, a Daily CEO Meeting is the most important time you’ll invest all day…not only in your business, but also in your life.

If you long for His wisdom, direction, and peace as you build your business, lean in, because today I’m gonna share with you how I transformed my time with God from a routine task into a powerful partnership that fuels my business and everything else in my day…

And how it can help you no longer waste time with the #1 way Christian women in business waste time day after day after day….

I have a feeling, after you hear the benefits, not only around your time, but also in your faith and everything else, you’re gonna want to grab the link to download my template, so here it is…


Apply to the CEO Program + access the CEO IMPACT BONUS here

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community



P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz

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