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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 250 | Summer Energy Reset: 2 Simple Habits to Master your Energy using Natural Rhythms

250 | Summer Energy Reset: 2 Simple Habits to Master your Energy using Natural Rhythms

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Hey CEO-

How’s your ENERGY this summer? 

There’s just something about those DOG DAYS of Summer this time of year that makes you wanna SLOW the pace of your body, soul and spirit…and for good reason!

Paying attention to the natural rhythms around you has a profound effect on your energy levels and long-term wellness.

But the problem is, we DON’T always pay attention. 

Too often, we find ourselves just getting BUSIER in each season of life… and that not only has an affect on your mental wellness, but also on your physical wellness and longevity.

And then just like with trying to MANAGE TIME, we wonder why trying to MANAGE our ENERGY feels like we’re walking a tightrope that keeps moving on us!

That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Ashly Torian of Ashly’s Heart Song TV, to join us for a conversation about mastering our energy and improving our wellness using the natural rhythms around us

Ashly Torian is the Vitality Coach, Speaker, and Author of Join Me in the E.N.D. Zone. She has a lifelong focus, education, and experience on understanding the psychology of eating, human physiology, emotional resolution, the mind-body connection, and how our outlook on these factors can either damage or enhance our lives.

Ashly works with those who desire to set themselves FREE from the pain and struggle they experience by addressing the SOUL- the mind, heart, and emotions through her 3-brain approach.

And more importantly I love that she helps women get out of the stress & back into your body, life, and business!

You’re gonna love her SIMPLE HABIT IDEAS that go right along with the natural rhythms of summer to reset your energy instead of trying to manage it. 

And if you wanna stop walking the tightrope of trying to MANAGE your TIME, I invite you to watch the Manage your Time Masterclass. Grab on-demand access at and let go of trying to MANAGE it all so you can get back into your God-given life + biz this summer too!

Now let’s dive into increasing our vitality by paying attention to the PACE of our body, soul and spirit.

Grab Ashly’s Circadian Rhythm Rocks here

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

XO- Lissa + Ashly

P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

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