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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 248 | Summer Work Habits to Grow Your Business …and Prioritize Your Life

248 | Summer Work Habits to Grow Your Business …and Prioritize Your Life

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Hey CEO-

What does your business look like this summer?  

Better yet, what do you want this summer to be about so that you don’t get to the fall and regret that life took over business…or business took over life?

Let’s be honest, summer is the season where there seem to be more invitations (and distractions) that pull you away from your desk…and while it may feel good in the moment to put it away, you don’t want to get to the end of the summer and not like what you see because you didn’t give your business much time and attention…

And you certainly don’t want the opposite to be true, where you find you’ve missed out on those moments to engage with those you love, the Lord and yourself. 

No matter where your summer is taking you, if you want your business to grow, you need to pay attention to it… 

That’s why I’ve invited today’s guest, Heather Schaefer of Branding You Big, to have a conversation around how to model running a biz + prioritizing family all while enjoying the season!  

Heather is a Branding Coach who serves multi-passionate, mission-minded women entrepreneurs with her gift of a unique left brain-right brain combination, which allows her to think strategically and creatively to build a cohesive brand that stands out in the sea of sameness. She is a Premier Success coach with EWomen Network, an expert trainer for Small Business Owners Collective, a speaker and a published author on 

I love that Heather encourages women to raise kids to love the Lord while modeling entrepreneurship so they can grow up to do BIG things…and that Business and life don’t have to be separate for women, but rather go together to create a brand that aligns with YOU.

You’re gonna love her simple habit ideas to help you grow your business this summer…AND prioritize the other parts of your life as you start with the end in mind. 

Take Heather’s Branding Quiz here 

We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

XO- Lissa + Heather

P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

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