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Home » Captivate Podcasts » 241 | What’s YOUR Motivation Style? The Key to Finally Stay Consistent with your Habits

241 | What’s YOUR Motivation Style? The Key to Finally Stay Consistent with your Habits

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Hey CEO-

You up for a quick QUIZ that will make all the difference in helping you not just start, but finally be consistent with HABIT FORMATION that moves you in the right direction?  

Let’s start with this question- 

How do you feel about making NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? 

I know, we’re nearly halfway through the year, but statistically 72% of us lost sight of those great intentions just a few weeks in, meaning most habits didn’t make it very far.

Based on your answer, you might be a RESPONDER, a CHALLENGER, an INVESTIGATOR or a DOER…

Just 1 question isn’t enough to determine which motivation style YOU are, so on today’s episode, I’ll go into more depth about each of the 4 MOTIVATION STYLES and how knowing yourself can help you with HABIT FORMATION…

That could be HABIT-FORMING (pun intended)

Listen in and let’s discover your HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE so you can make it start working FOR you…not against you.

Take the full HABIT MOTIVATION QUIZ inside the REDEEM Her Time Community by clicking here

I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


P.S. Schedule a CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

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